Solium Infernum is a ‘strategy game from hell’ hosting multiplayer tests this weekend


Normally a title being called a “strategy game from hell” isn’t what you would consider glowing praise, but in the case of Solium Infernum that’s actually its tag line, as developer League of Geeks invites potential players into a political game of strategy and deceit with the ultimate goal of controlling Hell’s capital of Pandaemonium.

“As one of Hell’s eight great Archfiends, players must outwit and outmaneuver their rivals to claim the vacant Infernal Throne through a mastery of devious political and military strategy. With a litany of tactics awaiting their command, players will bluff, backstab, and sow betrayal on their path to victory.”

Why are we peering into this title? Because it’s hosting a weekend multiplayer test running from now, January 12th, until Sunday, January 14th, on Steam. This test will focus on the game’s asynchronous multiplayer mode that offers up five to 15 minute-long bursts that can play out over several days, as well as quicker real-time matches in private or public matchmade sessions.

Solium is eyeing a full release on February 14th, but those who are curious can simply click that big green “Request Access” button to try things out now or watch the trailer below to get soaked in the hellish vibes.

sources: press release, Steam (1, 2)
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