I like making alts. It’s just a thing I do. But before I’m going to make a new alt, I have to have something new that I want to do with that particular character. What that “something new” is going to be can vary a great deal from one occasion to another, but what is universal is that I do not expect to just be doing the same thing that I was doing previously when I make that new character.
For some games, this can be as simple as having a new race I want to play; other times I need an entirely new class. Heck, sometimes it needs to be more than all of the above, a whole new gameplay mode or faction to entice me. But what about you? What gets you to start a new character in an MMO? Is it one of the aforementioned additions to a game? A new roleplaying storyline that requires it? Do you want to start fresh after being away for a while? Or do you just tend to do so on a whim?