The Lunar New Year celebrations are continuing to proliferate across MMO and multiplayer titles, and that includes the more upbeat multiplayer world of Sky: Children of the Light thanks to the return of the Days of Fortune event.
Between now and February 11th, players can head to an event hub to take part in the festivities like a race to an ice rink against a soaring dragon, a free spell that grants parts of a dragon costume (which can be linked with up to seven others to form a train), and a reopened secret space for additional games and ice skating fun.
Along the way, players can find event currency that can be spent on returning goodies and new items like a dragon mask and drum emote, and the fortune gift envelope will also make its return for in-game friends to hand to one another. All in all, it’s looking like another colorful event for the multiplayer title, at least for those on mobile and console – the PC release is still undetermined.