New World’s 4.0.4 update lands today with cross-world expeditions


Happy launch day to New World’s 4.0.4 patch – let’s not take that number as any kind of sign – as the cross-world expeditions will finally go live as of this morning’s update, which is expected back up around 9:30 a.m. EST today (just as this post is going live).

“Your favorite Expeditions will now offer less wait times and even more rewards,” Amazon says. “Through player feedback, the Activity Finder menu, and our matchmaking system, we have taken big steps toward our vision of more accessible instanced modes. We can’t thank our players enough for their patience as we took the time needed to get these cross-world systems in place.”

The patch further includes a range of bug fixes, tweaks for expedition leavers, and a new cap of three mutated expeditions per week – just note that there are some oddities in the patch too, like the fact that players in premade groups are forcibly disbanded after finishing expeditions.

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