For years now there has been a recurring chorus among World of Warcraft fans of not wanting to re-learn how to play the fan’s given class and spec with each new expansion. Ironically, this is the one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years, that at some point the developers will decide to unleash a new way to play any given spec after prior expansions that just mostly overhauled the spec. But at least that’ll stay the way to play for… about the length of one expansion, at which point it’ll be changed again.
Too much stagnation can be a problem, but it’s also problem when a game keeps becoming a different game on a regular basis, especially if it’s one that you may no longer like. So which MMO is the worst about constantly re-inventing itself? What’s the game that leaves you feeling like every so often it wants to be about something completely different no matter how the game was managed before?