There was once a time when I’d look at an MMORPG turning nine years old and think, “Dang, that’s a long time!” Well, it is a long time, even if the years are stacking up behind us faster than ever, so it’s in that spirit that we celebrate Dungeon Fighter Online’s ninth trip ’round the sun since its big western reboot back in 2015. DFO needs no other introduction, of course; it’s one of the biggest games in the world, and in fact, its Korean version turns 20 next year.
But you came for the global version. “To celebrate the time-honored, free-to-play staple, Neople is unlocking gilded rewards, a plethora of events and an anticipated content update – with an exclusive twist,” the studio says.
“All adventurers are eligible to participate in a thrilling minigame to obtain materials for rewards. Additionally, players have a chance to secure the final and best equipment in the game, but only for a limited time during the Custom Hunting event. Along with the ninth anniversary events and rewards, veteran players can test their skills in the new Legion Dungeon, Dusky Island. The third legion dungeon of Dungeon Fighter Online, Dusky Island is the most difficult and challenging dungeon in the game. Clearing it will give valuable materials that will allow users to upgrade their Accessories and Special Equipment gear further.”
Happy birthday, DFO!