Fantasy, as a genre, is pretty thoroughly represented in games of all stripes. Video games, tabletop games, and so forth. What can you say? It’s just something that we as human beings kind of like to indulge in, for better or for worse. For whatever reason that’s the genre that we head toward when we’re not just setting a story in the roughly current timeframe, which is still also technically a fantasy (like, Law & Order might not have wizards, but it’s still a fantasy tale) but falls under a different genre in context.
But let’s say that Studiojohn Von Fundingston has decided that you get to choose the genre of a new fully funded MMORPG. You don’t get to pick an existing IP, and you don’t get to pick anything about the mechanics, but you do get to pick the genre. What sort of world and conventions are you hoping for? What do you write down that Von Fundingston will then pay money to make happen?