Dungeons and Dragons Online’s Myth Drannor expansion is coming next month


Clearly, Summer 2024’s theme is “Let’s see how much MMO stuff we can pack into three months!” Joining this effort is Dungeons and Dragons Online, which aims to have its new Myth Drannor expansion out on July 31st.

Not only will Myth Drannor be returning to the fan-favorite Forgotten Realms campaign setting, but the expansion is adding the Wild Mage archetype, the blue-skinned Eladrin race, and the wilderness area of Cormanthyr.

“Deep in the heart of the Forgotten Realms lie the ruins of Myth Drannor,” the devs intoned. “Crumbling buildings and rubble-choked streets are all that remain of what was once the most spectacular city in the world. You’ve come to help the Elves rebuild their ancient capital, but this will be no easy task. The ruins are filled with savage monsters, unpredictable Wild Magic zones, and portals to dangerous planes.”

It should be noted that you don’t get all of this in the basic $40 edition of Myth Drannor, just the content and Eladrin race. The Wild Mage requires the purchase of either the $80 or $130 edition.

Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!
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