Palia’s Bloomin’ Bounties patch gives players loot and cheevos for partying up


Against all odds, Palia and its slimmed-down development team are pushing forward to flesh out the cozy mini-MMO, as the Bloomin’ Bounties patch rolls out to beta players today. Because yes, it’s still in beta.

The patch notes detail the addition of a bunch of new copper, iron, and gold building blocks and items; an expanded loot pool for the Hotpot minigame; new pirate-theme decor; a new system for showing players what can be done with the housing tools; new login rewards; an improved social panel; health bars for creatures; and of course, a bunch of cosmetics in the shop. We also spy a new system for buffs and achievements for partying with other players.

“When partied up with friends and within 35 meters of a party member, you’ll be able to enjoy the loot of your party member’s activities, even if you didn’t participate!” Singularity 6 says. “This will apply to hunting, insect-catching, foraging, and mining. When playing near party members, you’ll also have a chance at earning double the loot! This will apply to loot-based activities including hunting, insect catching, foraging, mining, and fishing. This will not apply to cooking, gardening, and furniture making skills.”

“As you play with and near your fellow party members, you’ll earn XP towards the Party People Accomplishments, visible on the Accomplishments tab. Completing this accomplishment will provide brand new rewards: seeds for Growable Furniture. Growable Furniture is currently only available as a reward for partying up with friends so be sure to invite pals on your adventures.”

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