Prosperous Universe adds new political layers, German language support, and loan creation


Most of the time when Prosperous Universe crosses our desk, it’s because the devs have put up some extremely granular but arguably sleep-inducing dev blogs. Interspersed between these droning write-ups have been some sporadic content updates, however, so it’s high time to catch everyone up.

We begin with last July and the Liquidity update, which introduced the ability for players to create loans, thus making them the bank that others have to latch themselves to. Following that was January’s Transmission update, which primarily brought German language support, then June’s Realpolitik update that adds parliamentary planetary governments of multiple players and effectively introduces a government treasury to planets.

As far as the game’s community, we’re once again left to look at Steam, which sees user reviews at a “mostly positive” overall aggregate and meager player counts, though we do hasten to point out that this is just a portion of the whole picture since the game also lets players download it directly.

sources: official forums (1, 2, 3), Steam, Steamcharts
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