prosperous universe
The MOP Up: Stardew Valley’s creator isn’t quite done with the game yet
Stardew Valley hasn't reached the end of its development cycle. So when will Stardew Valley's creator stop working on the game? "If I feel like it's...
The MOP Up: New World pulls back the curtains on its holiday event
New World's devs shared the inspiration behind the hodge-podge holiday event in the game, saying, "Our Audio and Narrative Teams took inspiration from various...
The MOP Up: EVE Echoes is going to let you drill into the moon
EVE Echoes -- please remember that this still exists -- offered up some balance and market adjustments along with a preview of some new...
Prosperous Universe adds new political layers, German language support, and loan creation
Most of the time when Prosperous Universe crosses our desk, it's because the devs have put up some extremely granular but arguably sleep-inducing dev...
The MOP Up: Tarisland’s Mr. D fixes the world
Over on Discord, Tarisland continues to walk fans through the history of its world, including the war between powerful beings, including a guy named......
The MOP Up: Fractured Veil allows for PvE-only servers
Post-apocalyptic survival game Fractured Veil previewed some upcoming features such as farms, new spawn locations, and -- get ready for this -- PvE-only servers....
The MOP Up: Myth of Empires pumps out even more servers
The freshly released Myth of Empires rolled out yet another batch of New Era servers this past weekend with realms in Oceania, Asia, Europe,...
The MOP Up: Lost Skies gets downright cozy inside of its ships
Lost Skies'Â February dev blog showed off some UX work, early prototypes of its weapon damage system, and some super-cozy ship interior concepts. Also, the...
The MOP Up: Aion, Lineage 2, and Blade and Soul get ready for a new launcher
Blade and Soul, Lineage II, and Aion are all preparing to migrate everyone from the old launcher to the new PLAYNC platform. NCsoft posted...
The MOP Up: World of Warcraft wraps up Dragonflight’s esports tournaments
The final esports tournaments for World of Warcraft's Dragonflight era are coming in the first part of 2024, with the Arena World Championship taking...
The MOP Up: Warhammer Online’s Return of Reckoning ‘chickens out’
Return of Reckoning's rogue server changed how combat buffs worked and added a new level 40 quest that pays out in, er, a "Chicken...
The MOP Up: Wakfu’s brand-new tutorial island
To go along with a new single-account server, Wakfu is introducing a fresh tutorial that's situated on Rii, the Celestial Island. The team hopes...
The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Fanfest has officially sold out
Well, that's it: EVE Online's Fanfest is officially sold out this year, so if you were hoping to snag a ticket at this late...
The MOP Up: AdventureQuest 3D players spend five billion gold… in a weekend
A recent gold boost event led to a record-breaking level of transactions in AdventureQuest 3D as players splurged on augments.
"This was a new record...
The MOP Up: MapleStory rebuilds the legendary guild castle
MapleStory broke out the second part of its two-part summer Savior update which is "packed with a new mystical land to discover, a new...
Simulogics hints at a new title in the works set in the Prosperous Universe IP
It appears that Simulogics, the studio behind the sci-fi econ PvP title Prosperous Universe, has a little something new in its oven. This news...
The MOP Up: Destiny 2 will compensate fan whose art was misappropriated for a cutscene
Bungie has major egg on its face after a recent Destiny 2 cutscene was found to have copied fan art from a couple of...
The MOP Up: Neverwinter buffs its companion healing factor by up to 100%
Neverwinter's medically minded companions received a massive infusion of green numbers this past week, as Cryptic buffed those particular pets by a significant amount.
The MOP Up: Netmarble and Take-Two finances are powered by MMOs
We have a couple more earnings reports to, er, report to you today. Netmarble's Q1 2023 financials reported $472.4M in revenue, with MMORPGs making...
The MOP Up: Chrono Odyssey preps gameplay video, plans global release
Expect to start hearing more buzz about South Korean next-gen MMO Chrono Odyssey now that it's ramping up hype and info. Its studio told...