Here’s what you can do in Embers Adrift’s free trial events this weekend


A couple of weeks ago, Embers Adrift announced plans to host summertime events in the MMORPG during July and August; it didn’t provide many details, but it did confirm that things were happening and that you should totally tell your friends or play the free trial. We now all have a clearer picture of what those events are for this month at least, as there’s now a schedule available.

This weekend between July 12th and 14th, players can look forward to things like GM events, dungeon groups for new players, a social event, and a trade fair complete with some dice games and hide-and-seek. The whole shebang kicks off this Friday at 1:00 p.m. EDT with a livestreamed welcome party from community manager Elloa.

As referenced earlier (and directly stated in an announcement tweet), this event is primarily about Embers calling attention to itself in order to encourage lapsed and new players to peek in. Regardless of the motivations, there are some things goin’ down this weekend.

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