Skull and Bones Season 2 continues the Chorus of Havoc with more upcoming limited-time events


For those who are still sailing around in the ongoing Season 2 content of Skull and Bones, you might have been a bit too busy fighting the Hubac Twins or doing other missions to know what’s coming down the pike in the coming weeks. Worry not because Ubisoft has a video that helps you out in that regard. Assuming you consider videos helpful, anyway.

Most of the footage continues to call attention to Season 2’s initial content offerings and last month’s patch full of adjustments, so the primary interest falls on the latter half of the trailer and its spotlight of incoming events. Namely, there’s the Blighted Bastion location to assault and the Mega Lestari giant fish fight starting July 23rd, the ongoing ghost ship battle with the Rode Maangodin that’s running until August 5th as well as again starting on August 13th, and a fresh Zamaharibu sea monster fight on July 30th.

The calendar of events on the game’s site will update with all of the dates and times for players to keep track of, but for now the video below grants a general overview to check out.

source: YouTube
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