Finding a place to stake a claim and build your ideal homestead in Pax Dei is pretty important, so word of players finding less space to start that process has reached the ears of Mainframe Industries, which resolves to do something about it soon.
The studio confirmed to players on Discord that it will be performing another “plot clean up” in the coming month similar to one that occurred a few weeks ago, with changes to criteria that hope to cast a wider net and catch more fully abandoned plots. More details on when this is happening is promised in the coming days, so if you’ve stepped away from the sandbox for a while, consider yourself on notice.
That same Discord message also addressed the request for players to move their characters to different servers in order to play with their friends. Mainframe said that doing so isn’t in the cards in the near future due to the need to transfer things like buildings and resources. It doesn’t totally rule the possibility out, but at the same time, players should probably not hold their breath.
Tangential to building things in Pax Dei, the game showed off some of the more impressive builds players have put together, along with links to where others can visit these locations. Pax Dei’s got talent indeed.
— Pax Dei (@PlayPaxDei) July 29, 2024