There’s an interesting element to a lot of games where you have places where the layers of gameplay break down. Your character in World of Warcraft is a character, ostensibly. The NPCs in the game regard her as a person and interact with her as if she is just a person in the world. But she is also just a game piece, no different than picking the top hat in a game of Monopoly. And the thing is that this is not a binary choice; for every player, these ideas exist on a spectrum.
A lot of people do not regard themselves as roleplayers, but they still want the world they play in to have a certain degree of cohesive existence. Others regard themselves as roleplayers but do like having weird outside cosmetics in the game. Today, we’re asking the simplest version of the question: Do you see your MMO characters as characters or as playing pieces? When you log in, are you taking control of a person, or are you choosing to play as the top hat tonight?