Zenith shuts down legacy shards for PS VR 1 and Quest 1 on November 6


It’s bad enough that Zenith fans have had to deal with the game hitting maintenance mode just a couple of months ago, but it turns out that we’re now facing down a very partial sunset of the game. Back in 2023 the developers discontinued support for the PS VR 1 headset and kept the game on an older patch just for that particular headset, but on November 6th legacy shards for the PS VR 1 and the Quest 1 will be shut down for good.

No reason is given for the change, but given that these are older headsets and the game is in maintenance mode, it’s not all that difficult to guess that player counts were low and studio Ramen RV doesn’t want to (or can’t) commit the resources to maintain the game on the platforms. The developers are quick to point out that no other platforms are impacted, so if you prefer playing… well, anywhere else, you’ll be fine for the time being. Still, players who had been enjoying the older version for the past year or so will have to wave farewell soon.

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