How do you transform the drab steel gray of a battleship into something festive enough to gain the approval of Fleet Admiral Santa Claus? By decking the, er, deck with lights and sticking a Christmas tree in every cannon!
Perhaps World of Warships isn’t going that nuts with its holiday overlay this year, but the naval battler is certainly getting into the spirit of the season with this week’s Update 13.11. The Wonders of the Arctic event is now live, opening up the fabled Port Nordlyshavn to captains — and a voyage to the North Pole beyond that.
Gifts abound in this patch: “Packed full of goodies and events to commemorate the festivities, players can unwrap free ships, camouflages, and containers, along with the addition of the historical USS Archerfish submarine and Shinano aircraft carrier, themed Event Passes, and much more.”
Source: Press release