Time-gating is a practice done throughout the MMO space for a variety of reasons, ranging from giving players with less time to play at least some vague hope of catching up with the people who have endless hours to sink into the game to ensuring that players do not devour all of the content in the game like locusts within four intensely focused hours. But some games are really bad about it. Some games will see you rushing along at a comfortable clip, having a grand old time, and then all of a sudden you smash directly into a brick wall before being told to wait for a while.
This can take a lot of different forms, like crafting recipes that require days of time to be completed, skills or other advancement that are gated in real-time, or even just a hard weekly reset that says you can’t do this content again for a while. So which MMO is the worst about requiring you to wait? Whether it’s a good game or not, which one is the most prone to dangling something you want to do and then saying that you’ll have to chill out for a while to experience it?