Home MMORPG WIR January 17 2016 (Posts)

    WIR January 17 2016 (Posts)

    Eternal Crusade preps for Steam early access launch - Eternal Crusade is preparing for Steam early access, says Behaviour Interactive Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson. "We are now preparing to fully move over to the Early Access program on Steam, where you can easily get into…
    WoW Factor: The importance of class fantasies - Here's a fun thought exercise for you all: explain the differences between Fire Mages and Destruction Warlocks in World of Warcraft. But before you do so, let's make things a little more interesting by saying that…
    Lord of the Rings Online’s server woes continue - Days after Lord of the Rings Online moved to its new datacenter, the game is still being plagued by server issues that is causing it to be unplayable for some. One player reports why she's unsubscribed…
    Elite: Dangerous has sold 1.4 million copies - After a solid year's worth of updates and the first pass of planetary landing mechanics, Elite: Dangerous has hit a grand total of 1.4 million copies sold. Average play time for a given copy is apparently…
    Black Desert’s Ranger is gorgeous and deadly in melee - Daum Games has this afternoon released a trailer and info for Black Desert's Ranger -- specifically, the Ranger's melee skills. The Ranger's ranged skills have already been established; in melee, she'll wield a short-sword as her awakening…
    DCUO launches on Xbox One this spring - During its DC Universe Online's fifth anniversary stream this afternoon, Daybreak announced that the superhero MMORPG is launching on Xbox One this spring. https://twitter.com/DaybreakGames/status/686635498954186752 The game is currently playable on PC, PS3, and PS4. We've updated…
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