On Sunday, Anarchy Online Lead Designer Henry “Michizure” Senger opened up on the forums with a look at what’s going on in the world’s most classic sci-fi MMORPG. The big news is that the game is getting Recked. Actually, it’s just getting The Reck, a brand-new region loaded with points of interest and daily missions intended for players level 90 to 170.
“As previously stated, the intention of this playfield is to offer a new area to level up through the bulk of title levels 4 and 5. Between the various camps and the playfield-specific daily missions, I believe this playfield will offer a solution to those who have had difficulty making it through this section of leveling; if this proves to not be the case, I will work make it so. While the intention is not to completely trivialize certain other sources of XP, I do intend to have The Reck be a viable leveling option. Finally, in addition to being a source of experience, there are many classic and new dyna bosses to be hunted.”
The Reck is currently on the test server, but once it’s gone live for everyone, Senger says, Funcom will be working on themed and cycling “missions and challenges aimed at specific areas within the game,” akin to dailies.
Anarchy Online players can also expect expanded subscriber rewards akin to the rewards Funcom is rolling out for The Secret World.
“In upcoming updates, we intend to expand the rewards for being a subscriber, through both the Veteran Shop and via additional rewards based on months subscribed, starting from the launch of this system. The Veteran shop has stagnated for a long while and I intend to add in some more meaningful rewards to be worthy of spending those precious Veteran Points. To add more value to being a subscriber, at various month markers, some new account-wide rewards will be unlocked. We hope to have this system launch in the coming months and I look forward to giving out some new rewards. The reward list and schedule should be made available closer to the launch date.”