Mad World begins Steam pre-registrations for this month’s re-launch


After shooting for and achieving some obscure record of “Longest Period of Time Between Promising a Steam Release and Delivering It,” Jandisoft’s Mad World is finally coming to Valve’s platform later this month along with new servers and zones.

To help players get ready for the re-launch, the studio announced that it added the option to allow users to sign up for the Steam version. Considering how much the horror-themed MMO struggled with a sub-par rollout in spring 2023, there’s extra pressure for Steam to bolster Mad World’s profile.

“Steam membership menu has been newly added,” Jandisoft said. “Once you’ve signed up, you can enjoy the game with the new server opening scheduled for January 25th. Please pay a lot of attention, and we look forward to your participation as a pre-registration event is currently underway.”

Source: Mad World
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