Andy McAdams

Andy McAdams
Andy is lifelong gamer and Virtual World believer to the chagrin of almost everyone around him. When he's not slinging features as a product development professional, he's embracing his inner MMO Nomad visiting whatever virtual world strikes his fancy. He's the writer of Lawful Neutral column, covering business and legal issues in the MMO industry.
It's a thing.

Lawful Neutral: 2020 was the year that wasn’t for MMO legal news

It seems surreal, but it is that time of the year again when we wax nostalgic about the year that was. Well, maybe this...
why does this continue

Lawful Neutral: The Epic vs. Apple lawsuit – when titans are tweens

The MassivelyOP Golden Yacht was anchored someplace off the coast of Maine when the first news about Epic suing Apple hit. We had sailed...

Final Fantasy XIV launches new 5.3 microsite, hits 1.2M active players (with caveats)

Final Fantasy XIV has today launched a new microsite for the 5.3 patch, arriving August 11, 2020. The site confirms the new content coming...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

The Soapbox: Where does WoW need to go beyond Shadowlands?

This expansion hype cycle, I've heard more about how to customize your character and less about raids than any other WoW expansion in recent memory, and I can't see that as anything other than good.

Lawful Neutral: No really, who owns Jagex and RuneScape?

RuneScape is one of those games that always seems to fly under my radar. It's not intentional, and I don't have anything especially against...

The Soapbox: No, forced grouping in MMOs isn’t ‘social’

Thinking back to high school, I'm awash in memories of the many deep, meaningful relationships that spawned as a result of being forced to...

First impressions of Fallout 76 Wastelanders from a true newbie to the game

So I did something completely unexpected: I bought Fallout 76. It wasn't my idea. A few people in my guild had been talking about...

Lawful Neutral: Leakers, trade secrets, and lawsuits in the online gaming world

In recent years, you might have noticed a new type of lawsuit coming out of game companies, as some of the more litigation-happy studios...

Lawful Neutral: Cheating, copyright law, and the WoW Glider lawsuit

I have fond memories of using the Game Genie on my NES. To my seven-year-old self, it was a godsend. So many Nintendo games...

Lawful Neutral: Examining the infamous MMO lockbox, 2020 edition

I have a soft spot for paranormal horror. I love movies about demons, ghosts, hauntings, possessions. There's one particular movie from the early aughts...

Lawful Neutral: Examining DDoS attacks and their impact on MMOs

When I was younger, used to play with LEGOs with my cousins all the time. We'd spend time creating huge houses and vehicles that...

Lawful Neutral: Examining the ArcheAge class action lawsuit – and what it means for gamers

Gamers threaten lawsuits a lot. Most of the time they threaten lawsuits over things that aren't really something they can sue over, usually due...

Lawful Neutral: A look back at the MMO industry’s law dramas of 2019

It's hard to believe that 2019 is almost over. Not necessarily unwelcome, but hard to believe. 2019 has been a year in more ways...

MMO Burnout: Pokemon Sword and Shield is fun but not innovative

I have a vivid memory from when I was younger - about 12 or so - of walking through the local Walmart with my...

Lawful Neutral: When Marvel sued NCsoft over City of Heroes

One of the biggest MMORPG genre stories over the last year has been the ongoing saga/drama around the bizarre but very much welcomed rebirth...

Lawful Neutral: What’s China really worth to the Western gaming industry?

You know what we never talk about these days? China and video games! We should do that more. For example, did you know that...

Lawful Neutral: Endorsements, disclosures, and the games industry

Infomercials are the worst. There's nothing quite as infuriating as turning on the TV only to find a 30-minute commercial about how people can't...

Lawful Neutral: Examining Ashes of Creation’s controversial referral program

I have a really hard time taking anything seriously that refers to money as "bucks." You'll recall that I opened the Lawful Neutral column...

The Soapbox: There is no MMO that can fix a broken MMO community

We've heard again and again how the recently launched World of Warcraft: Classic was going to "fix" the MMO community by stripping away modern...

First impressions: WoW Classic is fun but anachronistic

I'm not really one to follow trends or scamper along the zergeist (a combination of zerg and zeitgiest that I've decided perfectly encapsulates the...