Bree Royce

Bree Royce


Bree is an unrepentant escapist with a predilection for MMOs. When not compulsively proofreading cereal boxes and newspapers, she can be found modding, PvPing on the auction hall, and touring the Next Big Thing with her guild on a quest for the elusive perfect game.

Working As Intended and Ask Mo are her pet op-ed columns, but she also pens Daily Grinds and compiles Massively Overthinking, the Week in Review, and Make My MMO. You can hear her ramble about MMOs every week on the Massively OP podcast. If you're nice, she'll even talk about something other than Star Wars Galaxies.

Personal blog: Skycandy
Twitter: @nbrianna
Favorite MMOs: Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online

New World’s Legacy of Crassus event returns next week with upgraded GS710 drops

With its latest round of server merges behind it, New World is now looking ahead to the next recurring event: Legacy of Crassus. It's...

Once Human unveils big plans for account-wide unlocks and long-term scenario servers

If you hear the name NetEase, you probably think Marvel Rivals these days, but the company has a huge number of other titles still...

Guild Wars 2 is planning a WvW update in March and a PvP Push beta in May

Yesterday's full announcement of Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds Repentance chapter came with more than a trailer and date: It also came with a...

Runes of Magic is turning 16 years old, and it’s giving you a new car

Runes of Magic is old enough to drive this month as the classic Runewaker MMORPG officially turns 16 years old. Publisher Gameforge has unleashed...

Fractured Online boss says he’s signed a ‘big deal’ to secure the future of the MMO

Kickstarted MMORPG sandbox Fractured has either had a terrible year or a startling year, depending on how you look at it. In January, the...

Stars Reach teases adorable retro bug people for its newly unlocked species

As we noted yesterday, when Stars Reach crossed the $500,000 crowdfunding threshhold on Kickstarter, players effectively unlocked the pre-launch (rather than post-launch) addition of...

APB Reloaded has finally reopened its test server after nearly a month offline

APB Reloaded and Fallen Earth are finally on the verge of restoration after nearly a month of struggles. Readers will recall that both Little Orbit...

Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds: Repentance content launches March 11

Guild Wars 2's quarterly cadence marches onward next week as March 11th sees the formal launch of Repentance, the third content chunk (and therefore...

RuneScape is getting a new boss as Jagex CEO Phil Mansell is stepping down

On the heels of RuneFest, we're witnessing a changing of the guard at Jagex: CEO Phil Mansell is stepping down. Mansell has served as...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gameplay feels like ‘homework’ rather than fun?

One of the reasons I've been enjoying Guild Wars 2 so much for the the last seven months is that it doesn't assign me...

Stars Reach’s Kickstarter broke half a million dollars already, deep-dives the fishy princess Hansian species

Less than a week into its whirlwind Kickstarter - remember, we didn't even know there'd be a Kickstarter two months ago! - Stars Reach...

The Daily Grind: How do you define what counts as a ‘classic’ MMORPG?

Readers know that every year, we give an award for the classic MMO of the year. And every year there's a fresh debate over...

MMO Week in Review: Stars Reach, Undermine(d), and BNS NEO

You know how I know the MMO genre still has some juice? Because it was hard as heck to catch up with everything that...

Here’s how to watch RuneScape’s Runefest this morning from the comfort of your couch

We're lucky to be getting a RuneFest this year: Readers will recall that we haven't seen Jagex hold its annual RuneScape event since 2019,...

Stars Reach Kickstarter hits $450K, unlocks crafting appearance customization as devs say headstart isn’t P2W

As the Stars Reach Kickstarter nears half a million dollars, the Playable Worlds team is using Kickstarter memos to further explain how the game's...

Star Wars The Old Republic’s March update includes Andor and Skeleton Crew cosmetics

Earlier this week, Broadsword streamed a preview of Star Wars The Old Republic's 7.6.1 update, whose headline feature is Galactic Season 8, dubbed Rising...

Monsters & Memories is running an impromptu stress test this afternoon to test server stability

If you have an open afternoon, Monsters & Memories has a slot in its Friday playtest for you starting at 1 p.m. EST. "This is...
Can't imagine why.

The Daily Grind: Does EVE Online need an EVE Classic version?

We've asked many times in the past about MMOs that could use a classic version, and we often get the same responses. Guild Wars...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates its ninth birthday with Days of the Aned-Kla events

Stars Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends is not the only SWG rogue server in town, but it's in the spotlight right now as...

PlanetSide 2 admits to delays for its US merges and Infiltrator rework

The Daybreak contractors still working on PlanetSide 2 are back with another monthly dev letter for fans that should add another layer of reassurance...