Eliot Lefebvre

Eliot Lefebvre

Senior Reporter

Eliot Lefebvre has been writing on Massively Overpowered since it was created after a long and illustrious career of writing about video games for half a decade on some other site that you might have heard about. He currently pens Wisdom of Nym for Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Factor for World of Warcraft, and the industry and culture speculation of Vague Patch Notes. He also shares writing duties on Perfect Ten and writes some nonsense for What Are You Playing. No photos of him standing next to seventeen lizards in a trench coat have surfaced, coincidentally.

Twitter: @eliot_lefebvre
Streaming: Snippy Harold
Practice makes something!

EVE Online event encourages players to help construct the first Citadel stations

Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing...
It wasn't a drill.

Gigantic’s closed beta is now open 24/7

Do you sit around on your couch, wailing and gnashing your teeth over the fact that you can only play Gigantic's closed beta during...
Happiness is a warm - yes it is - gun!

Perfect World Entertainment announces Livelock, a top-down cooperative shooter

How do you feel about robots shooting other robots? If you would rate your feelings in that department as "Strongly Positive" or better, you...
Happy first patch to you, game.

Blade & Soul’s first major patch arrives on February 10th

The great part about games that were localized after being out in their native country for some time is that there's no dearth of...

John Smedley’s Hero’s Song Kickstarter project is cancelled

John Smedley has just announced that the Hero's Song Kickstarter has been cancelled: https://twitter.com/j_smedley/status/692005956482256896 He went on to stress that the game's development is ongoing, but...

WildStar offers players a weekend of doubled Prestige

Do you like to PvP in WildStar? Would you especially like having even more rewards than you normally get from said PvP? Because this...
I mean, it worked okay.

Destiny is deploying a new PvP matchmaking setting on Wednesday

Losing a PvP match because you weren't skilled enough or geared enough to beat your opponent is unpleasant on its own. Losing a PvP...
Online, offline, who cares?

Fans overwhelmingly vote for offline pledge rewards in Shroud of the Avatar

If you want to play Shroud of the Avatar online, there's stuff that you can have only by pledging support for the game at...
Which is good, because we have to justify that Xbox One purchase somehow.

The Division’s DLC is definitely coming out for the Xbox One first

Back at E3 2014, future players were told that The Division would release DLC as timed exclusives for the Xbox One. Of course, back...
Let's hunt some people.

How Star Wars: The Old Republic won me over with its endgame

I walked away from last week's Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream pretty happy. Considering that I repeatedly say how much I absolutely loathe...
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: Potential jobs for the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion

We're going to be hearing about the next expansion to Final Fantasy XIV in... several months, actually. We're in no kind of rush here....
Stepping back across time.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever had an in-game MMO romance?

I got my wife into MMOs by volunteering to buy her a copy of World of Warcraft. At the time, we had been best...

WRUP: Marvelous true facts about something other than bees edition

Today, we're going to reveal some marvelous true facts about - wait, what the heck is going on with that header? What is this?...
Playing it is a different story.

Betawatch: Having fun with Black Desert’s character creator (January 22, 2016)

Who doesn't like a good character creator? The people in charge of Black Desert clearly like having one so much that a standalone version...
Not the chess maneuver.

Here’s how castles are built in Crowfall

According to the old adage, a man's home is his castle. But you know what's really a castle? An actual castle. And you can...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...
Holy arts.

WoW Legion makes major changes to specializations and transmog sets

Are you tired of dealing with dual specs in World of Warcraft? It was revealed at BlizzCon that the existing spec system was going...
Into the sunset.

City of Steam is shuttering on January 31st

In the heady days of yesteryear, we believed that removing the need to download a client would be the key to unlocking more people...

Firefall’s update is live and servers are up, but old characters are still offline

The most recent Firefall patch faced some pretty significant downtime due to issues with its implementation; players were updated on the state of the...
Unlock me or just buy me, whichever.

Skyforge offers new item packs for the Berserker and the Slayer

The Berserker is Skyforge's answer to the ageless question of what sort of class could possibly make carrying a sword which is also a...