Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Earn juicy rewards with Firefall’s new bounty system

Taking a cue from achievement, task, and contract systems in other MMOs, Firefall is planning to institute a bounty system that will connect daily...

TERA closing in Taiwan and Hong Kong — at least for the time being

TERA fans in Taiwan will soon find themselves out of a virtual world come November. MMO Culture is reporting that the publisher, OMG Digital Entertainment,...

Wurm Online database error breaks loyalty program

A database error and subsequent attempts to fix it have left Wurm Online's loyalty program in a state of disrepair. Lead Developer Rolf Janssen admits...

Das Tal preps stress test boss battle

An upcoming public test for Das Tal promises to provide a bit of a surprise for players. The team announced that it's preparing a new...

Get a recap of Star Citizen’s development journey to date

Star Citizen's development is already the stuff of legends and bardic tales, and it isn't even close to being completed yet. If your memory of...

The Daily Grind: Could The Secret World survive as a single-player game?

Most MMOs would make terrible single-player games by virtue of their scope and design. Take multiplayer out of it and most of us would...

Marvel Heroics: My Marvel Heroes wish list

If there's one constant in the gaming universe, it's that every MMO player has a wish list. It's almost impossible to spend any length...

Land of Britain vows to fashion a completely dynamic game world

Stack this on top of grand promises made in MMO history: The upcoming tri-faction Land of Britain is going to attempt to pull off...
Take care.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 26: Failcom

Justin and Larry discuss WildStar's F2P, Funcom's troubles, Otherland's alpha, Darkfall's soft wipe, Neverwinter's strongholds, and the next iteration of Hellgate.

SWTOR will start releasing info on Knights of the Fallen Empire ‘very soon’

Players frustrated with BioWare's relative silence about Star Wars: The Old Republic's rapidly approaching fall expansion will have to wait just a little while...

Hearthstone reveals entire Grand Tournament card list

Hearthstone's Grand Tournament expansion will not only convey player's minds to the days of Warcraft-past but greatly add to the number of available cards and...

APB: Reloaded heralds the four horsemen of the apocalypse

We trembled with fear and trepidation the other day when we saw Jef post a positive, upbeat soapbox about the future of MMOs because...

Eternal Crusade loses creative director, plans closed alpha sooner than expected

Eternal Crusade has reported that another one of its team has fallen on the field of development battle, as Creative Director David Ghozland announced...

RIFT characters prank people in new ads

What's a skelf doing tipping a napping girl into a pool? Why is a female warrior throwing firecrackers at an innocent guy? Why is...

Be a monkey in SkySaga and fulfill your dreams

Don't be ashamed of that time when you were chastised for "monkeying around." Instead, own it by playing as a hyper simian in SkySaga. When...

Trion Worlds buys gaming mouse for injured Trove player

When an MMO gamer named Ziedus cut his left hand at work and had to have surgery to repair it, he announced that he...

WildStar beefs up world discoveries

WildStar is rethinking and renovating many of its systems for the upcoming free-to-play update, even small ones like discoveries. Discoveries are cracked glowy patches in...

ArcheAge is gifting players free griffins next month

The griffin: half-eagle, half-lion, and soon to be all yours. ArcheAge players will soon have the opportunity to snag one of these flying beasts...
Phun phor the phamily.

Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to PS4 in 2016, still no word on Western release

The western-elusive Phantasy Star Online 2 is making the jump to the PlayStation 4 in Japan next year, bringing along a brand-new episode. The news comes...

The MOP Up: Fishing Planet will rule all

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...