Sam Kash

Sam Kash
Sam Kash was born with an NES controller in hand. Before he could read, he was firing up Final Fantasy OG and roaming for baddies to hunt. Some things never change, like that drive to hunt down baddies. Only now, he focuses his hunts on unsuspecting players in whatever game he can. He's heading up Massively Overpowered's new PvP focused column. So drop in and tell him your thoughts.

Fight or Kite: Lost Ark’s PvP is a well-designed experience for Lost Ark players

Lost Ark was a game that may as well have been vaporware for so many years. It plays basically like a Diablo game, although...

Fight or Kite: Checking in with Crowfall after the acquisition

I’ve been playing all kinds of different games these days, many of them MMOs and many of them offline RPGs. I find myself kind...

Fight or Kite: Rocket League Sideswipe is the perfect mobile game

For the last month or so, I’ve been half-man, half-Rocket League Sideswipe. It’s no exaggeration to say that I’ve spent far more than an...

Fight or Kite: Starting a journey in Mortal Online 2

Throughout the past year and even longer maybe, we’ve seen near biweekly updates from the team over at Star Vault as it's been developing...

Fight or Kite: Twisted Metal meets Mad Max in Crossout

Leaping over sand dunes and ramming my car into an unsuspecting opponent all while unloading my machine guns is the absolute height of car...

Fight or Kite: Was 2021 the death of large-scale group PvP MMOs?

Here we are on the cusp of the end to another year: 2021 is almost completely in the rear-view mirror. As I look back...

Fight or Kite: KEO is on the cusp of being Twisted Metal for the Internet age

Gamers of a certain age - those who remember going to the local game store on a Friday with a gaggle of friends, grabbing...

Fight or Kite: Naraka Bladepoint is battle royale but with grappling hooks

Welcome back to the Monday after a holiday (at least in the US). Hopefully you were able to enjoy your family, friends, or game...

Interview: Crowfall’s freemium update, small-scale PvP, new players, and the future of the game

Another month has passed, and another meaty patch is coming to Crowfall. That's right, today we'll see the latest update (7.300) arrive on the...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s Untamed, Specter, and Mechanist in PvP

This edition of Fight or Kite is our third and likely final installment in the Guild Wars 2 elite specialization PvP beta series. This...

Vitae Aeternum: Did New World’s morph to full MMORPG hamstring its PvP?

Leading up to New World’s original launch, I had virtually no interest in playing. Even after Amazon Games pulled the ol’ switcheroo and added...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s Bladesworn, Catalyst, and Vindicator walk into an arena…

No, there’s no joke there. I just wanted to know if anyone actually saw this happen during the Guild Wars 2 beta test a...

Fight or Kite: Spellbreak’s wizardry battles wage on with new content

It’s been a hot minute since I spent any time playing Spellbreak. When it first launched, it was a nice part of my nightly...

Interview: Crowfall’s Global Conquest update brings ‘mega’ changes to the world

Today we are being treated to the latest and greatest Crowfall has to offer with Update 7.100, better known as Global Conquest. We're expecting...

Fight or Kite: How Guild Wars 2’s Harbinger, Willbender, and Virtuoso stack up in PvP

Guild Wars 2 has always been my go-to home for MMOs. There’s just so much the studio did right when designing the game. But...

Fight or Kite: Crowfall’s latest release brings RvR and ‘pop-up PvP’ to the forefront

It’s been about a month since the release of Crowfall, and the team at ArtCraft hasn’t let off the gas yet. This past week...

Hands-on with New World’s 20v20 PvPvE battleground and its newest dungeon

Last week Amazon Games held a press demo and offered up an early preview of some of the latest and greatest content coming to...

Fight or Kite: Crowfall’s launch is a struggle, but I’m ready to play

It’s been just under a week since Crowfall officially launched, and the game’s more alive than ever before. It’s been what has felt like...

MMO Burnout: Retro-inspired games offer a sense of accomplishment with a side of nostalgia

For someone who absolutely abhors the mere mention of paying a monthly sub for a game, I am totally sold on the Xbox Game...

Fight or Kite: Leafling Online is a retro-inspired action MMO for PvPers – and grinders

When I spied our recent article on Leafling Online, I almost immediately jumped in. It’s currently in early access, but studio Celtaria Productions claims...