
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

One Shots: 100 miles up and climbing

When you find yourself soaring past the outer limits of the atmosphere in DC Universe Online, you best have a spacesuit or superpowers. Or...
Tanks for the memories

The Daily Grind: What’s the earliest test phase you’ve ever played for an MMO?

An early test phase for any MMO has one major drawback, and that's the simple fact that it's not anywhere close to being ready...
Ice ice baby.

Global Chat: Feasting on Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga

Nerdy Bookahs is pretty dang delighted to come back to a "feast" in Guild Wars 2, thanks to all of the new content in...
Ta bay

Betawatch: Swords of Legend Online kicks off its western beta

As it was foretold with the pre-loading, so it has come to pass! Swords of Legend Online has opened up its beta testing, and that's...

Working As Intended: Touring my new SWG Legends houses (and looking at Bespin deco!)

If you're a fan of MMORPG housing, Star Wars, Star Wars Galaxies specifically, or just chatter about MMOs, then this very self-indulgent Working As...

WoW Factor: Are Heroic dungeons the original sin of World of Warcraft’s current issues?

The launch of The Burning Crusade's pre-patch in WoW Classic has me thinking about the features that expansion brought to World of Warcraft. I know, really it...

Massively Overthinking: How much should MMO subs be in 2021?

MMORPG blogger Wilhelm at The Ancient Gaming Noob has a fantastic piece up this month on the traditional $15 MMO subscription. He dips back...

Desert Oasis: So Black Desert wants to be an esport now

Even though the San Francisco Giants threw away a 6-2 lead against the Pittsburgh Pirates on Saturday, the real highlight of my weekend was...
Carry that water.

Vague Patch Notes: The self-made shadowboxing of MMO feuds

There's no actual feud between the development teams behind World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV. The two teams have congratulated one another on successful expansion...
Faces and offs.

The Daily Grind: Are you enjoying the pre-patch for The Burning Crusade Classic?

So that pre-patch for WoW Classic was kind of a mess, huh? Players wound up waiting for hours for the maintenance that was supposed to...

So Mythic Quest is a TV show about a fictional MMO studio – how well does it represent actual MMO issues?

As an avid MMO gamer and big fan of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I was extremely excited to watch Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Everything in MMOs that is pay-to-win

I have stated before that I have a complex relationship with the term "pay-to-win." On the one hand, it tends to refer to something...

Casually Classic: Fondly looking back at World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade beginner zones

Whenever discussion about Burning Crusade turns to which zones players like the best, it's almost always focused solely on the seven additional Outland regions...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The disappointing second half of Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga

Welcome to part two of this overview of Guild Wars 2's The Icebrood Saga. Last time, I talked about how the first half of...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs as the designers intended, or do you go your own way?

Today's Daily Grind topic comes courtesy of MOP's resident meme-maker, Schlag Sweetleaf, who urged me to write about this after the piece we did...

Wisdom of Nym: Recapping the Endwalker reveals from Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Festival

I ended the first night watching the Fan Festival a bit sad about how long it would be before Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion....

One Shots: Flowers love the sun more than you do

Mental note: If I ever want the legions of readers to flood our One Shots comments with submissions, I merely need to ask for...
Someone will get that reference.

The Daily Grind: Would you rather be in a guild of strangers or alone in an MMO?

Back in my day when I started playing MMOs, I took it as pretty well understood that you were going to want to join...

The Game Archaeologist: Dragon Empires, Codemasters’ abandoned MMO

The name "Codemasters" is far more familiar to European players than North American ones, as the British developer and publisher was active on the...

Betawatch: New World plans tests, previews dungeons, and assuages cash shop fears

It's been a busy week for New World, so much so that it could probably get bullet points of its very own along the way....