
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

I am not throwing away my shot.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers overhaul jobs, part one

There are four jobs that we know of which are getting some major reworking in Shadowbringers. For a game with fifteen jobs, that's not so...

Jukebox Heroes: Mabinogi’s six best music tracks

When evaluating an eastern MMORPG that boasts a huge soundtrack, I am often filled with a mixture of dread and anticipation at the start...

One Shots: Don’t look behind you!

Oh man, you did it. You clicked on this column and brought a curse onto your head. Right now, something terrifying has materialized out...
Pay me to play me!

The Daily Grind: Do you get worried when MMO fan sites shut down?

Fan sites come and go. They always have and always will. The game that you thought you would care about forever when you were...

LOTRO Legendarium: Examining 2019’s amazing producer’s letter

I swear, the news never fails to make a monkey out of me. Just the other day I was grousing about how it was...
Hooray, or something?

Betawatch: Anthem has begun to sing

It'd be nice to say that nothing in beta can stay there, but that would be a lie. There are lots of games that stay...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Jukebox Heroes: The 10 greatest MMO soundtracks of all time (as voted by you)

A few weeks ago we witnessed the showdown of the ages (or at least the epoch known as "late January 2019"), as Massively OP...
Looking closer.

WoW Factor: Why people are mad at Battle for Azeroth, part one: Combat

One of the complicated challenges of writing about World of Warcraft is sorting out the stuff that's happening now from the stuff that's been happening...

Hyperspace Beacon: The Star Wars MMOs and communities beyond SWTOR

Time flies: I am now coming up on nine years of covering Star Wars: The Old Republic professionally. Of course, I was a Star...
A very short marathon.

Vague Patch Notes: Online games are a marathon, but they still need to start running

One of those phrases we like to use a fair amount here is the fact that running an MMO is a marathon, not a...
We're going to be here for a very long while, princess.

The Daily Grind: Are there party roles you will not fulfill in MMOs?

We all know the big three roles in most MMO design at this point: tanks, healers, and DPS. But these are not the only...
Weepy weep weep.

Perfect Ten: The bloodiest MMOs of all time

I am not nor ever have been that much of a fan of gore and blood in video games. Oh, I thought Doom was...

Choose My Adventure: Dungeon diving in The Elder Scrolls Online

Pretty much everything I've done in The Elder Scrolls Online has been a delight, so I was going in to my chosen task for...

The Survivalist: Astroneer adds whimsy to the enjoyable terrors of space survival

Ever feel like you can't keep up with all the survival sandboxes coming out? With so many, it can be hard to keep them...
Now the story can be told...

Wisdom of Nym: The system changes I’d like to see in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

We don't yet know everything we're going to learn at the Tokyo fan festival about Shadowbringers, but we can be reasonably confident that it...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online has a gambling problem

The gambling debate has kicked off again in EVE Online, this time in response to the annual Guardian's Gala event that's currently running throughout...

One Shots: Your moment of zen

When life -- and even gaming -- gets too hectic, where do you retreat to in order to find some peace and quiet? We...

The Game Archaeologist: Terra, SubSpace, and Sovereign

In the MMO industry, science fiction has always taken the role of the overlooked little brother to big sister fantasy's popularity. Sure, there have...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s mysterious Hrothgar text has no good explanation

It was just supposed to be a minor patch for Final Fantasy XIV and it's touched off a huge flurry of confusion. Someone in the...

Tamriel Infinium: The many breeds of Elder Scrolls Online’s cat people, the iconic Khajiit

In the real world, I am not a cat person. Actually, I'm not a pet person. But in video games, I collect minipets, tame...