
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ Whispering Tide event

Have you met Flappy? If you haven't yet, you might want to do so very soon else you'll miss your chance. That dirty bird...

One Shots: Sacred space

Anyone a little excited about Guild Wars 2 these days? Probably not, but on the off-chance that there's a glimmer of hype and hope...
Personally I actually really enjoy DRK's kit this expansion, but it does lack the punchy utility of the other tank jobs.

The Daily Grind: What was the funniest group you ever had in an MMO?

There are lots of things that I love about dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV, but one of the many is the way that you...

LOTRO Legendarium: First steps into Mordor

Victory. It's a fascinating place to begin an expansion, really. Most games like to set up a new threat, pit players against impossible odds, and...
It's the gift that keeps on taking.

Betawatch: Delays always win (August 4, 2017)

We realize that some of our readers are a bit younger, so we'd like to introduce you to a universal truism of life: Delays...
Ladies, please.

Choose My Adventure: Get out of here, DC Universe Online

So this is an unusual situation for me: I've never actually played a game for Choose My Adventure that I've disliked this much. Those of...

Chaos Theory: To Steam or not to Steam your Secret World Legends account

To Steam or not to Steam, that is the Secret World Legends question -- now that the horror game has relaunched on that platform,...
she's got the look

The Daily Grind: What’s your unhealthiest real-life habit brought on by MMOs?

I've always had a hard time going to sleep at a reasonable hour. MMOs, though, have helped make that functionally impossible for me. It...

Tamriel Infinium: Impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Falkreath’s Hold dungeon, part of the Horns of the Reach DLC

Although the vast majority of my time in Elder Scrolls Online is spent solo, running through the single-player storylines, I raid and have done...

Perfect Ten: The circles of MMORPG combat hell

And so it was as I traveled across the many spheres and realms of MMOs, I came to realize one simple truth: War is...

Global Chat: Dipping into Albion Online

Now that Albion Online has officially launched, what's the verdict? It's a little hard to get a feel for that, since I haven't seen...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV issues that don’t exist yet… but will

One of the bright sides of having so many alts (specifically, six of them) in Final Fantasy XIV is that I'm getting a picture...

Guild Chat: Damage control after MMO guildmate poaching

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which I gather the Massively Overpowered readers together to help me tackle a...

One Shots: The one where we mention Michael Bay

Warning: This column will contain GRAPHIC and EXPLICIT references to film auteur Michael Bay. You may find yourself cutting away in excitement every two...
They're big, you see.

The Daily Grind: Have people ever kept you away from an MMO?

There are a few times in my life where I've stopped playing MMOs not because I'm tired of the game, but because of the...

Whatever happened to PlanetSide 2, A Tale in the Desert, and Istaria?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, "What ever happened to that game?" With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it's surprisingly...
Don't at me.

Betawatch: Escape from Tarkov invites you to come in for closed testing (July 28, 2017)

Escape from Tarkov is heading into closed beta testing this weekend, complete with a trailer, so now's your chance to jump in if you bought...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s Tinkerfest 2017

After a few years, it can be difficult for long-time EverQuest II players to get excited over the return of a festival; not only...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...
You have to want it.

The Daily Grind: What would make you stop playing your current MMO?

There are a lot of things that Final Fantasy XIV has done over the years that I'm less than enthusiastic about. Heck, some of...