
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Soapbox: Evaluating gaming monetization through the lens of Nintendo’s mobile history

Bloggers and journalists throughout the online gaming industry have been talking about monetization a lot lately. It's not just lockbox/gachapon scandals, or their relationship...

Massively Overthinking: Taking risks in MMORPGs

Last weekend, Brendan wrote a great column on how to stay safe from gankers in EVE Online, noting that the newbies are commonly given...
Really studying the heck out of a skull.

World of Warcraft’s 7.3.5 begins testing as allied race, environment, and zone scaling spoilers abound

So the latest raid for World of Warcraft is out now, but perhaps you don't have a regular raid group. What will you do...

City of Titans shares details on creating its mission lines

There's already a lot of lore floating around for City of Heroes-inspired indie MMORPG City of Titans, but all of the lore in the world...

Crowfall takes a skittering look at spiders

If you're the sort of person who runs screaming from a room and vows to burn the whole house down over the barest glimpse...

Leaderboard: Is Destiny 2’s marketing brilliant or just plain nuts?

So this morning I'm dishing out cheese crackers for my kid, who was up all night barfing. (If my posts have typos today, it's...
You could have tried harder. Or... at all.

Choose My Adventure: Secret World Legends and the mystery of the level-based curse

Would you believe that I sort of forgot about levels altogether in Secret World Legends? It's true! I remembered that they were a thing...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs with PvP-focused factions allow cross-faction interaction?

I'm on-board for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth focusing on the factional conflict, but there's a side of the factions in WoW that...

Battle Bards Episode 110: Acoustic guitar

The Battle Bards are quite familiar with the power of the strummed guitar and lute, knowing that such simple instruments can bring down walls,...

Skyforge is out for the Xbox One

Who says that Sony fans get all of the good exclusives for this particular console generation? After all, you can now play a god...
Oh, wow, maps. What an amazingly new concept.

The Soapbox: Inconvenience is not immersion in MMOs or anywhere else

Inconvenience is not immersion. This strikes me as something rather ridiculous to type; to mildly paraphrase Dan Harmon, it seems like should be one of...
feelin' fine!

Destiny 2 stream is canceled in the wake of player rage as a free trial surfaces

So, let's recap the Destiny 2 saga. First, there was a leveling scaling problem wherein players discovered that the game was now slowing leveling...

The Daily Grind: What should MMOs do to facilitate your return?

Over the past weekend, I picked up Hearthstone after a year or two away from the game. I certainly didn't remember where I left...

Global Chat: Saying goodbye to Marvel Heroes

Few people are happy to see an MMO go down, especially in the manner that Marvel Heroes is going from a popular and well-liked...

Path of Exile shows off the interactions of new skills and support abilities

Part of the fun of Path of Exile is setting up combinations of skills, support skills, and items in order to create a constant...
Mars mars mars mars.

ROKH updates fans on the process of examining and improving the game

Another four-week silence from the ROKH development team has been broken by the latest update on the state of the game. The last lengthy...
No, this is not from my playthrough.

Clicker Heroes dev on abandoning the free-to-play model for the sequel

If you've never played Clicker Heroes, you can pick it up for your phone or on Steam right now; it's a lightweight little idle...

Revelation Online: ShadowBlade brings Assassin, new class training, and class changes

Do you want to skulk in the shadows in Revelation Online? The new ShadowBlade expansion for the game lets you do just that with...

Raph Koster on the cost of making games from the industry side

All of this talk about the price of making games and the price of playing games thanks to Star Wars: Battlefront II has meant...
Very dynamic.

SWTOR’s double event won’t make today’s 5.6 patch (but the trailer is now live!)

The bad news is that the Star Wars: The Old Republic double event has been pushed back slightly. It was supposed to start today,...