
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Elite: Dangerous player is reaching out to speak with the game’s inscrutable aliens

Remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the crew spent the entire episode tracking down and struggling to communicate with a destructive...
Some daunts remain.

Dauntless steps back from constant stability upgrades for a major patch

If you've been playing Dauntless since it first released to test audiences, you have probably gotten accustomed to having a large number of patches...

Leaderboard: What do you expect out of live MMORPG events in 2017?

Earlier this month, Black Desert GMs ran a live in-game event. I was super excited to hear about something like that in a newer...

Massively Overthinking: Are modern games too cheap?

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is a submission from reader and commenter camelotcrusade, who takes the industry's current fight over monetization in a different...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on the tech behind procedural cities

If you lost your mind over Star Citizen's procedural cities reveals at CitizenCon a few weeks ago, you definitely need to tune in to...

EVE Online layoffs lead to the end of a fan tournament

While studio layoffs have an immediate effect on the people that are let go, the ramifications of such decisions can end up impacting players...

Star Wars: The Old Republic delays the release of the Yavin warzone from patch 5.6

Players of Star Wars: The Old Republic will be able to start taking part in the latest bit of the traitor storyline with the...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would you recommend to Marvel Heroes refugees?

So Marvel Heroes has about six weeks to live thanks to the impending shutdown of the game following Disney's decision to drop Gazillion as...

NCsoft is already sunsetting MOBA Master X Master

NCsoft announced this evening that it will sunset its relatively new MOBA Master X Master, explaining that the game just "wasn’t enough to take...

Dark and Light shows off the environments of the Scalding Abyss

In the Flames of Bel'Xahl patch for Dark and Light that releases today, players will take on the greatest enemy of humanity since time...
Everything old is not new again, but is instead the same.

Choose My Adventure: It’s all the same in Secret World Legends

I was a bit disappointed to see that last week's poll for Secret World Legends went to the Illuminati. I played the Illuminati my...

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings an infinite forest, Mercury, and new raid lairs

Are you tired of MMOs providing you with bland and predictable finite forests? Thank goodness that Destiny 2 is here to show other MMOs...

The Survivalist: ARK Survival Evolved’s sequel tease is an insult to its fans

You know that moment when you just can't take it anymore? I am there, right on the cusp. I know many folks have gotten...

Bossland gives up on WoW’s Honorbuddy cheat following Blizzard’s 2017 court victories

If you weren't convinced that Blizzard defeated Bossland in its string of lawsuits already, you will be today. As The Nosy Gamer noticed, Bossland...
Don't camp here.

Black Desert devs responds to datamining dust-up with stat transparency and apologies

Remember a week ago when Black Desert dataminers dug up dirt on the game's so-called hidden stats, only to be booted off the subreddit...
Oh dear.

Star Wars Battlefront 2: The AMA, Wall Street, and the Belgian gambling commission

In case you ever wanted to sniff the distinct scent of internet dumpster fire, you probably should've gone to the Star Wars Battlefront II...
Ain't no school like the old school.

World of Warcraft is bringing back old world bosses for its 13th anniversary

Do you have fond memories of fighting the Dragons of Nightmare in World of Warcraft back when they were relevant? Or even when they...

Crowfall delays soft launch until 2018

A lot of things have changed for Crowfall over the past year, several of them being pretty darn significant. Decoupling races and classes alone...
In this trying time.

The Daily Grind: How should MMOs handle old limited-time rewards?

Out of all the various event rewards I've gotten in Final Fantasy XIV, Legacy status is the only one that a new player couldn't...
This has less dramatic impact than hoped.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth sets a world record for its diorama

Turns out that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is already setting records well before it releases. How? Well, it had a very nice...