
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

I don't know any more either, dude.

Mike O’Brien announces Mike Zadorojny as lead designer for the second Guild Wars 2 expansion

We've reached the end of the third season of Guild Wars 2's story, and now... what comes next? A new expansion, we all know...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...

Fortnite touts sales figures while players lament pay-to-progress model

Epic Games' PvE multiplayer zombie tower defense survivalbox MMO thing Fortnite is doing well in its launch week, at least in terms of non-Steam...
You have to want it.

The Daily Grind: What would make you stop playing your current MMO?

There are a lot of things that Final Fantasy XIV has done over the years that I'm less than enthusiastic about. Heck, some of...
In space, lots of people can hear you talk about space.

Frontier Developments plans a convention for Elite: Dangerous in October

Do you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Coaster? Probably not. How about Elite: Dangerous? Yes, that's good, many more hands are...
Picture more depth, though.

OrbusVR starts up open alpha on July 28

If you've been longing for the chance to play an MMO in VR but haven't yet been in the closed alpha for OrbusVR, the...
Be here now.

City of Titans and Ship of Heroes team up for City of Heroes successor panel at PAX West

There will be a City of Heroes panel at PAX West... after a fashion. The game may be gone, but the City of Titans...
Heroes do actually die, but...

Overwatch gets serious about bad behavior yet again – for real this time, they swear

Even Mercy can't save you from Blizzard's wrath for being a cranky player. The studio sat its playerbase down for a talk this week, saying...
We all float down here.

DC Universe Online launches its far-reaching stats revamp

How do stats work in DC Universe Online? Before you answer, know that your answer is probably wrong if it doesn't take into account...
We're good! It's fine. It's all fine.

Secret World Legends patch 2.0.3 changes auctions and dungeon requirements, adds a new lockbox

Good news for players of Secret World Legends eager to play the market: The newest patch contains a couple of big changes to auction...

The Daily Grind: Is your MMO play guided by goals, routine, or chance?

MMORPGs are fantastically large and complex beasts, and it is not hard for a player to feel overwhelmed and lost within them when trying...

Global Chat: You’re playing MMOs wrong

Have you ever lost your top when someone condescended to lecture you that you're playing MMORPGs wrong? You and Roger at Contains Moderate Peril...
All right, so NEW spice.

Terry Crews just didn’t fit as Doomfist according to Blizzard’s team

Fans had an image in their heads about what Overwatch's Doomfist would sound like. It included Terry Crews, and it probably included him hollering...
Roberts and Garriott

MMO dev and astronaut Richard Garriott hosts a Reddit AMA on /r/space today

Curious about astrophysics? The Massively OP Podcast brought on a special guest for a fun holiday bonus 'cast back in 2015 to answer a...

Take Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind great house quiz

Stop what you're doing: There's an INTERNET QUIZ you haven't taken yet! OK, this one is pretty cheesy, but that's the whole point, right? Elder...
Welcome to here.

Neverwinter launches Tomb of Annihilation today

Dinosaurs, jungles, and tombs, oh my! All of these can be found in the latest major update to Neverwinter. The Tomb of Annihilation update...
ride the build train

Albion Online introduces its character builder

Like any game with a surfeit of character build options, Albion Online can be a bit overwhelming at first. What are you supposed to...
'Stay - out - of - fire.' Hmm. Makes sense!

Revelation Online promotes mentoring with the Journeyman Alliance

We all know that playing a new MMO can be a challenge. Heck, sometimes it's even a nigh-on impossible one; you have a lot...
sailing, sailing

Check out a trailer for ArcheAge’s upcoming naval arena

Battle on the high seas! Cannons firing, seas foaming, decks wet, local slang dialect nearly incomprehensible! If that all sounds like fun times to...
New vacation style is a bit weird.

Skyforge takes a first look at regional invasion

There are regions in Skyforge that are largely irrelevant to higher-level players. There are a lot of invasions in Skyforge. The two things have...