
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Camelot Unchained’s new ability system is ‘a big leap forward’

Camelot Unchained's weekend post may be on the briefer side after the mega newsletter earlier this week, but it bears good news from CSE's...
I don't really know either.

WRUP: Funcom fanboy edition

It has come to my attention that I am, in fact, kind of a studio fanboy. This in and of itself would be a...

The Daily Grind: How would you fix your MMO character?

If there's one truism in the world of MMORPGs, it's that all of us are accomplished armchair developers. I mean, c'mon, if the studios...
All by myself etc.

Swordsman launches the Lone Wanderer expansion

The latest expansion for Swordsman should improve any and all of your bird-related adventures with the new Falconer class. Falconers, to the surprise of...
This place is ugly.

Star Trek Online shines more light on graphical changes

If any game doesn't need to offer players actual technical information about graphical upgrades, it's Star Trek Online. The developers could just say that...

The Secret World is losing its lead writer

The Secret World is losing its lead writer, Funcom's Romain Amiel has told players on the official forums. "We are sad to announce that Joshua...

Blade and Soul reveals 2016 content plans, including the Soul Fighter class

NCsoft Producer Nico Coutant has a big community letter out today for Blade & Soul fans discussing the state of the game and where...

Star Citizen updates alpha 2.4 on the PTU, honors the passing of a backer

In this week's episode of Star Citizen's Around the Verse, Cloud Imperium's Sandi Gardiner and Ben Lesnick foreshadow the game's alpha 2.4 patch, which...

The Daily Grind: What theme song best represents your main MMORPG character?

In yesterday's Black Desert column, MOP's Matt Daniel joked about MMORPG mods that allow roleplayers to share their characters' profiles, right down to their theme songs. He...

Massively Overthinking: Solving the MMORPG grouping problem

Massively OP Patron Roger has another great question for the crew this week. "I have the hardest time pushing myself to join a group, but...

Crowfall explores the joys of server latency and ability use

Does half a second sound like a long time to you? Of course it doesn't. A second doesn't sound like a long time to...

Desert Nomad: Immersion, atmosphere, and roleplaying in Black Desert

Hello friends, and welcome back to Desert Nomad, your more or less biweekly source of ramblings that are almost guaranteed to be at least...
The large old German man is not the villain. Groundbreaking!

Someone is already level 100 in Overwatch

Overwatch player FenderOverwatch has successfully reached the level 100 cap on Tuesday, just a week since its formal launch. You can all give up now. The...

Perfect Ten: How to enjoy the alt lifestyle in MMORPGs

Not everyone is into creating alternate characters -- alts -- in MMORPGs. This is understandable: Some people don't have time to play more than...
Still at a zero for sold ships that aren't actually usable, though.

Elite: Dangerous identifies issues with AI superweapons in the game

The most recent Elite: Dangerous patch had some issues, starting with the fact that AI ships were rocking impossibly powerful weapons that would destroy...
There's really only one mode, when you get down to it.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever paid for art of your MMO characters?

It's not a secret that I roleplay. I love to roleplay, my characters are important to me, and as a result of all of...

Albion Online details the creation of frogs

If you see a frog hopping around in your MMO of choice, you probably don't think about it too much. Either it's just a...
is land

Worlds Adrift shows off the features of its island creator

There's a bunch of cool stuff you can do with the Worlds Adrift island creator. For example, you can create floating sky-islands. That's cool....
Asura are not cute. Why have we agreed to pretend they are?

Guild Wars 2 asks players to vote on lore

ArenaNet has a fun new diversion for the Guild Wars 2 playerbase: You get to determine the lore name of the band living story heroes...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Why wave-ban Guild Wars 2 cheaters?

Last week, our very own Bree Royce summed up a response given by ArenaNet's Chris Cleary to a self-confessed hacker on the game's subreddit...