
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Stepping back across time.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever had an in-game MMO romance?

I got my wife into MMOs by volunteering to buy her a copy of World of Warcraft. At the time, we had been best...

Blade & Soul impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

It's probably no surprise to anyone that Blade & Soul managed to rope in a lot of excited fans and curious casuals this past...

WRUP: Marvelous true facts about something other than bees edition

Today, we're going to reveal some marvelous true facts about - wait, what the heck is going on with that header? What is this?...

The Daily Grind: What were MMOs like back at their launch?

I was reminded this week that Dungeons and Dragons Online is hitting its 10-year anniversary in 2016, which amazes me because I don't think...

War Thunder fan creates a full virtual reality cockpit

Flight sim fans are often on the cutting edge of technology and peripherals, usually more so than the rest of the gaming crowd. After...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...
Holy arts.

WoW Legion makes major changes to specializations and transmog sets

Are you tired of dealing with dual specs in World of Warcraft? It was revealed at BlizzCon that the existing spec system was going...

Firefall’s update is live and servers are up, but old characters are still offline

The most recent Firefall patch faced some pretty significant downtime due to issues with its implementation; players were updated on the state of the...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO graphics influence your immersion?

This past week, in the hubub surrounding Smed's new OARPG, Hero's Song, we interviewed bestselling author Patrick Rothfuss, who's building the lore of the game's...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO dev brains we’d like to pick

This week's Overthinking question comes to us from longtime Patron Roger. "If you guys could magically open a connection to any dev team, which team...

How RIFT changed radically during its pre-launch development

Fun fact: RIFT wasn't always known as RIFT. Trion Worlds' fantasy MMO went through many name permutations during its development, including titles such as...
Looking forward to adding homegirl.

Heroes of the Storm will add Diablo’s Wizard and Necromancer to its lineup

Do you miss playing a Necromancer in Diablo II? It's not quite the same when you play a round of Heroes of the Storm,...
Set sail, etc.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO tropes we don’t need in 2016 (but clearly aren’t going anywhere)

All right, we've had just about a month of 2016 now, and I'm writing this on my birthday. Odds are good that I'm going...
Suit up.

Crowfall is going to start enforcing its ‘no refund’ Terms of Use policy

The official wording of Crowfall's Terms of Use policy has been that pledge packages will not be refunded. You buy a package, it's yours,...

Firefall’s Razor’s Edge update suffers migration-related delays and downtime

Firefall's Razor's Edge update yesterday didn't exactly go to plan, which you know if you've been desperately trying to log in to no avail. Red...

You’re going to have to purchase World of Warcraft: Legion twice for early access and a physical collector’s edition

Remember all of the absurdity about World of Warcraft's collector's edition with Warlords of Draenor? That was ridiculous. Basically, if you wanted to pre-order...
Where the 'hood at.

The Daily Grind: What MMORPG character creator would you like to play offline?

I haven't the slightest interest in Black Desert for various reasons that deserve more than a pithy comment here, but boy, that standalone character...

Shroud of the Avatar debates whether offline mode should include exclusive items

If you've paid for unique items and extra content for an upcoming game, would you want all of that available in the game's offline...
Cheaty cheaterpants.

Dark Age of Camelot is coming down hard on cheating

If you're going to play Dark Age of Camelot, here's a bit of friendly advice: Don't cheat. We're not talking about relationships (you shouldn't...

Age of Conan has a new game director with plans for 2016

Funcom's Romain "Tilty" Amiel, well known to MMORPG gamers as the lead designer on The Secret World, has taken over game director duties from...