
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

We're in space.

Elite Dangerous shows off the system specs for Horizon in its latest newsletter

What will it take for you to land your ship on planets in Elite: Dangerous? Well, at the very least it will take a...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Camelot Unchained class?

Camelot Unchained has been revealing its classes for a few weeks now, and the fantasy RvR sandbox has no shortage or interesting archetypes. So...

One Shots: Transformations

Guild Wars 2 and One Shots is a pairing as old as time immemorial. Thus, it's great to bring this good-looking MMO back into...
I gots to bag it up.

The Daily Grind: What do you do while you’re waiting in MMOs?

Let's face it, MMOs are not always filled with new stuff happening every minute. You wait for queues, you wait for enemies to spawn,...
Yes, that's a legless lizard, all right.

WRUP: Addressing recent scandals edition

It seems that a large variety of scandals have struck our offices recently, and so I thought I'd take the opportunity before anyone is...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO support class?

Seeing Camelot Unchained roll out its vision for its trio of support classes brought a smile to my face the other day. See, I...
I guess?

Leaderboard: Would you play Space Engineers on a MOP private server?

I love me some Space Engineers, even more so now that Keen Software House has added huge, destructible planets to its space sandbox. I've mostly...
I want you to do something or other.

Skyforge asks pantheons to submit propaganda for prizes

It's sometimes a bit hard to gain worshippers in Skyforge. Being part of a pantheon with several other deities helps, but there are an...

WoW Factor: The look of the Legion class previews

Last week was a pretty fun ride, I have to say. Leaving aside everything else we had to chew on after a weekend's worth...
Let's rock.

Blade & Soul will include North American players in its next world championship

Do you want to be the best around, with nothing that will ever keep you down? Blade & Soul makes a point of being...

World of Warcraft dramatizes the level 100 boost process

Like the last expansion, World of Warcraft's upcoming Legion expansion will let players skip the tedious process of leveling up through old content and...

The Daily Grind: What’s your worst MMO guild drama horror story?

Guild Wars 2's raiding guild drama earlier this week naturally made me think of guild drama I've experienced myself. I mean, if you've been...

PSA: Space Engineers is half price through Sunday

If you don't own Space Engineers yet, well, you should because it's really fun! Especially since the devs added ginormous destructible planets to their Minecraft-with-better-visuals-in-space...

Smedley’s new game won’t have microtransactions

John Smedley's Twitter account continues to provide interesting food for thought related to his next project as well as the industry in general. The...

The Daily Grind: Have you tried Lineage II’s new server?

Lineage II launched on Steam recently. NCsoft also added a new server to its 11-year old fantasy stalwart. I played a bit in Aden...

Here’s what John Smedley’s been up to lately

What has former SOE and Daybreak head honcho John Smedley been doing since his departure from the latter? Well, putting together a development team,...
I should be in a band.

Allods Online spends a week celebrating Bards

Some classes in Allods Online are heirs to mysterious, almost incomprehensible power. Bards are not one of those classes. Bards are musical dynamos that...

Choose My Adventure: Running amok with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

Hello again, friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. As you may or may not have noticed, CMA took a little hiatus last...

LOTRO players host Friendship France gathering this weekend to show solidarity after attacks

Communities around the globe are still coping with the aftermath of last week's terrorist attacks in Paris, and in MMOs, it's no different. Similar...
War! Huh! Good gods, y'all, what is it good for?!

Skyforge is prepping the War’s Onset update for December 2nd

Boy, Skyforge has launched a lot of updates pretty quickly, hasn't it? But the game has to be quieting down now, and that... oh,...