
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

So, how about those balance issues?

Destiny addresses major bug before Trials of Osiris return

Competitive content that's meant to push players to their limits is something less than effective when bugs muck up the process. The Destiny team...
Everyone just likes burning scarecrows.

WildStar prepares for the Shade’s Eve event

Long before the time of players in WildStar, the first humans on Cassus were stricken by a deadly plague. A single young girl was...

One Shots: C.R.E.E.P.S.

Whatever happened to bad acronyms as titles for movies and TV shows? Where are our C.H.U.D.s? Our C.H.i.P.s? I guess we have Agents of...
At its core, this is just a couples' shot.

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from roleplaying?

I really, really enjoy roleplaying. It's one of the biggest ways that I enjoy a game. I like coming up with elaborate character backstories...

WRUP: Non-interactive text adventure edition

You are in a field. There are exits to the north, south, and west. The east doesn't count. East is the way that cowards...

The Daily Grind: Can you ever forgive MMOs?

The other day I was watching through a YouTube channel of an MMO player who loves lists as much as I do. And while...

LOTRO players host RP and music event this Saturday

If you don't have plans this Saturday, consider swinging over to Lord of the Rings Online, where a group of players will be holding...
Wow, hey, stuff.

RIFT’s design team answers player questions on Reddit

In 1964, Bob Dylan released "The Times They Are A-Changin'," and he could very well have been talking about RIFT. Sure, the odds are...
Oh, this guy!

Final Fantasy XIV previews the main scenario and the Void Ark of patch 3.1

Final Fantasy XIV's first post-expansion patch is hitting the servers in about a month, so it's high time for players to start getting some...
In the mirror universe, they have charities to encourage bullying, or something.

Star Trek Online outlines plans for Season 11 content

It's going to be hard to top the challenges faced by players in Star Trek Online at the end of the Iconian War storyline....

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 10

We can see the finish line fast approaching! Today's adventures in Star Wars: The Old Republic will lead MJ to the end of Belsavis...
Sure, it doesn't look like much, but a cake that hasn't been baked looks like a pile of mush, too.

Elite: Dangerous shows off how to create realistic planets

The planets of Elite: Dangerous are procedurally generated, like most of the game. But how does the game pull that trick off? How can...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMO systems that could be great (but I haven’t seen it yet)

Before I start this column, I want to say two important things. First, my experiences do not extend outward to the limits of the...
Prettier than this.

Take a look at RuneScape’s NXT client and the client’s design goals

With 15 years of history under its belt, RuneScape can't help but show its age. But there's a new client on the way, and...

The Daily Grind: Has a single screenshot ever made you want to play an MMO?

I don't often look at a screenshot and think to myself, hmm, I should play that game. Yesterday I did exactly that, though, thanks...

Choose My Adventure: Unearthing the mysteries of WildStar’s Levian Bay

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. Last week, you fine folks voted on whether my pwecious wittle Chua Spellslinger would continue his...

Massively Opinionated: Which is the best open-world PvP, WvW or FFA?

It's a real battle to the death when Larry Everett invites Tina Lauro and Brendan Drain to debate WvW and FFA PvP.
Sometimes, less can indeed be more.

World of Warcraft patch 6.2.3 is bringing Valor back

Between the Timewalking token system and Apexis Crystals, World of Warcraft has been providing players with a variety of currencies to purchase rewards after...
It's been a long time.

Check out a teaser for RuneScape’s 15-year anniversary documentary

Next year, RuneScape will be celebrating 15 years of continual operation. Even if you don't play the game and consider it one of your...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most toxic community?

I ran across a weird thread on Reddit  a week or two ago from a poster asking about toxic MMO communities, not because he...