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Massively on the Go: Why Nintendo and Pikmin make sense in Niantic’s hands

With the recent news that Nintendo and Niantic will work together for more AR games based on Nintendo IPs, I thought it might be...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The experimental nature of Final Fantasy XIV’s Blue Mage

One of my half-serious predictions during the initial batch of predictions for Final Fantasy XIV's big reveal showcase was that we'd learn about a...
Should or shouldn't?

The Daily Grind: What informs your cosmetic choices in MMOs?

The days in which it was an active debate whether or not a given MMO should have a system of cosmetics have passed us by,...

Betawatch: Magic Legends hits the open beta soft launch

If you're worried about your launches being too hard-edged and solid, consider a nice soft launch like the one Magic Legends has done. The open...
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: Why aren’t we getting more customization options in Shadowlands?

You might be surprised that I haven't written a piece in WoW Factor yet about the BlizzConline announcement that we would get no new...

Vague Patch Notes: The fine art of shutting yourself up (so you can enjoy MMOs again)

This week, an unusual thing happened to me: I didn't really want to write this column. This may not sound all that unusual to you,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has your favorite combat animations?

When the time comes, almost every MMO has a moment when it's time for you to start cracking heads instead of chatting and socializing....
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The wide umbrella of MMOs and online gaming subgenres

Let's be realistic here, "MMO" as a term covers a whole lot of different game styles. I know this is a particular topic that...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: The Final Fantasy XIV Ascians we know

Look, sometimes you just want to do some lore stuff for Final Fantasy XIV, and this is one of those times. Especially since... well,...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite mount in an MMO?

In a lot of MMOs, the way to get from place to place as fast as possible is by riding something. You sit on...
And a real universe.

Betawatch: Dual Universe gets better graphics in its biggest beta update

This is the biggest update for Dual Universe since it was first playable, according to the studio itself. That's sizable! This update is big...
Oh great.

GDC 2021: What attracts – and motivates – mobile and MMO gamers?

GDC 2021 has been running this week, but sadly there aren't a lot of relevant panels for MMO or online game enthusiasts. However, it...
Nothing to add.

GDC 2021: Intel and Spirit AI’s Bleep aims to filter live audio – and toxicity

At Intel's GDC 2021 panel "Billions of Gamers, Thousands of Needs" this week, Intel and Spirit AI announced a new end-user application designed "to...
Get back.

WoW Factor: The long wait for patch 9.1 in World of Warcraft

We don't yet have a date for patch 9.1, but considering that patch 9.0.5 just released recently and the patch isn't even up on...

Hands-on with Magic Legends: A solid action game that could be even more

So, real talk: I am kind of an easy mark for Magic Legends. The initial conception of it, at least. I was very excited...

The Daily Grind: Do you know the names of the people behind your favorite MMO?

Part of my job involves interviewing developers and talking with them. That means that it's important for me to remember who these people are,...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker (given what we know so far)

At the time you read this, it'll be just about two months until we know more about what's coming with Final Fantasy XIV's fourth...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the worst general chat channel?

Yes, yes, I know all of the jokes, World of Warcraft general chat is vile enough to be used as a biotoxin and all of...
One last round.

Betawatch: The Burning Crusade Classic may be entering beta this month

It might be time to beta test World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade! You know, again. See, there's a rumor that the next update...

Vague Patch Notes: The sneering elitism of the MMO term ‘welfare epics’

A few weeks ago, I saw an MMO player unironically complaining about "welfare epics" here in 2021. This is basically the equivalent of saying,...