
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

I want a milky way.

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s most underused zones in Classic

No, I'm still not done with thinking about the game's zones and how they relate to Classic. Because while I've already covered the zones...

Progress Bar: The bullet hell of Survived By

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Progress Bar! This monthly column will be my personal look at early access MMO, MMO-like, and multiplayer games...

Massively OP’s complete 2018 awards debrief and annual recap

As we did in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 - it's becoming a real tradition here! - today I'm going to recap our annual awards and...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are you no longer anticipating in 2019?

I always have a ridiculously long list of MMOs I'm anticipating every year. In fact, we usually write our list of anticipated games several...

Battle Bards Episode 135: Battle for Azeroth

It’s Battle Bards vs. Battle for Azeroth — and only one victor will come out of this alive! Actually, the podcast trio is delighted...

Leaderboard: What was the best new MMO of 2018?

Last week, we announced our award for MMO of the Year; it once again went to Final Fantasy XIV. You might notice that XIV...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s year-end report card for 2018

Every year, I place Star Wars: The Old Republic on a scale and weigh it against the Bartle Taxonomy, giving the different aspects letter...
This went over great.

Vague Patch Notes: How to make your points and exit gracefully from online debates

It's 2019, people. Let's do this. And by do this I of course mean learn to actually debate things in a way that might wind up changing...

The Daily Grind: What MMO has the brightest future looking into 2019?

One of the most popular roundups we do every single year is about the healthiest MMORPGs in the genre. I love it because it...
Why must life be so hard?

Leaderboard: Will you be playing PlanetSide Arena?

Last month, Daybreak officially revealed its first truly new game in several years: PlanetSide Arena, a large-scale battle royale title set in the venerable...
Yarr, cut out all carbs, got much lighter.

Global Chat: How do we fight early access disasters?

With the year in MMOs ending on a sour note due to the botched rollouts of both Fallout 76 and Atlas, blogger Endgame Variable...

Perfect Ten: The best MMO updates and expansions of 2018

A not-inconsequential part of me misses the days when every MMO would pump out boxed expansions. I like buying boxes of stuff I like...
Dropping an album.

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO freebie you’ve ever gotten?

I, like 99.99% of the world's population, loves free swag. I love me dorky t-shirts I'll never wear, I crave stress balls that pop...

The best Massively OP community Daily Grinds of 2018

Assuming the archives are correct, the first Daily Grind ever was penned by Krystalle Voecks on November 3rd, 2007, a day after Old Massively...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 203: New year, same old loot

Justin, Bree, Eliot, and Chris team up for an end-of-the-year roundtable to recap our massive annual awards rollout, our holiday gaming fun, and the Atlas launch.
happy birthday to me

Massively OP’s Weirdest MMORPG Stories of 2018: Maintenance mode, shmaintenance mode

Today we're finishing off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2018! Coming in at #1 on our list is the one where ArenaNet yanked Classic Guild Wars out of maintenance mode and gave it some love.
Burn it down!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s 2018 in review

Sometimes I wind up starting these a bit early because there's just not much to write about; other times I'm writing well in advance...

The Daily Grind: Do you have any MMO resolutions for 2019?

So here we are in 2019. It looks a lot like 2018, really. But it's a new year, and this is usually the point...

Massively OP’s Weirdest MMORPG Stories of 2018: World of Curationcraft

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2018! Coming in at #2 on our list is Occupy White Walls, the MMO that's literally about art curation.
It's Lord of the Rings. There's your elevator pitch.

LOTRO Legendarium: Eight tips for leveling up in Lord of the Rings Online

Typically around this time of the year, I'll offer up my wish list of features and changes that I'd like to see happen in...