
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Das Tal introduces new features for weekend test, opens clan signups

Indie sandbox Das Tal is running a "dev-supporter-exlusive" playtest this weekend to test its latest build and its new features. What can testers expect...

Champions Online’s Teleios Ascendant lair patch is live

Last month, Cryptic promised a new update for Champions Online, and this week, it's finally live. The studio calls it the "biggest challenge" in...

FFXIV’s Sephirot will break you (or vice-versa)

See that lumbering, chain-laden beast? That's the charmingly named Sephirot, who is but the first part of the Warring Triad in Final Fantasy XIV. He's also...

DC Universe Online unlocks cross-play between all its platforms

Heists, prison breaks, and new friends are the topic du jour of DC Universe Online. Episode 21 is out today for members (and available to...

Crytek’s online FPS Warface gets new Earthshaker co-op mission

While developer Crytek is well known in the MMO world for developing the engine that powers games such as ArcheAge and Star Citizen, the studio has seen a...

Gloria Victis introduces dynamic events and improved launcher

Dynamic events: All MMOs are required by law to contain them these days or be subject to the wrath of our digital court system. Wanting...

Elite: Dangerous changes how Horizons is sold, discusses patch 2.1’s focus

Are you confused about the process of upgrading from Elite: Dangerous to the Horizons expansion? Do you find it frustrating and unclear? Have you...
Ride ride ride.

Neverwinter details the ins and outs of the upcoming mount changes

Mounts are important in any game. It's nice to be able to choose a noble steed that represents your preferences and your character's personality...

Anarchy Online is getting ‘Recked’ with new zone, sub rewards

On Sunday, Anarchy Online Lead Designer Henry "Michizure" Senger opened up on the forums with a look at what's going on in the world's...
Do this differently.

WoW Factor: Thoughts from inside the Legion alpha

Tuesday brought along a big surprise for me in the form of access to the Legion alpha test. I had pretty much resigned myself...
I know Gridanians hate moths.

Final Fantasy XIV previews its story and dungeons in patch 3.2

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV brings along a fresh pair of dungeons to the game, which won't surprise anyone. The dungeons in...

More souls and massive tech improvements head to RIFT this year

As RIFT approaches its fifth birthday this spring, Executive Producer Chris Junior revealed many exciting changes and improvements that are coming to the game. The fun...

Villagers & Heroes update includes a secret zone and Valentine’s Day event

The first major drop of the year for Villagers & Heroes went live today! The Copse of the Treants continues the high-level journey through the Blighted...

How Neverwinter’s Maze Engine will ‘put the dungeons back in D&D’

Yesterday, Perfect World Entertainment announced Neverwinter's ninth expansion, The Maze Engine. Today, we're finding out the philosophy behind the update, or at least the...
Sort of like jingles.

Final Fantasy XI prepares for its February version update

The story of Final Fantasy XI has come to a close, but the developers aren't done giving players stuff to do. The game's next...
This is the way the world ends.

SMITE rolls out Season 3 with a new map, new skins, and new mechanics

The third season of SMITE has begun! Will Brad reveal his love for Dylan? Will anyone realize that Rachel is carrying Simon's child? Does...
What, you think you can do a better job?

Elder Scrolls Online’s Thieves Guild lands on the PTS today with new ‘assistants’

The Elder Scrolls Online is in the middle of patch day, at least if you're a PTS die-hard, as the game patches the Thieves...

Preview Blade & Soul’s Mushin’s Tower and Bloodshade Harbor dungeons

Here's the benefit of getting Blade & Soul years after its Korean launch: years' worth of content stored up just waiting for localization. When NCsoft's...

Devilian adding Tempest class, raising level cap

Trion Worlds' OARPG Devilian has only been out for a short while now, but the game is already preparing to grow in more than...

Blizzard shakes up Hearthstone with a new game mode

In a competitive card game like Hearthstone, the developer has to keep releasing new cards each year to keep things interesting. This comes with...