
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The MOP Up: Gamescom’s big opening by Angela Merkel (June 25, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen sells 14K concept ships in 24 hours (June 24, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Star Citizen followers once again proved their game's dominance by purchasing 14,000 of its new Nox concept ships in less...

Pitching a tent in Camelot Unchained

City State's Tyler Rockwell has returned again this week to helm another Camelot Unchained update, and my favorite part is the tents. Seriously, how...

The Game Archaeologist: Maze War, the first online multiplayer shooter

It is sometimes hard to know how far back to go when chronicling the history of early MMOs and their ancestors. After all, this...

The Stream Team: Potty humor in ARK Survival Evolved

It's hard to be king of the carnivores without a throne, but that has all changed now! ARK has introduced the mighty commode to...

Gloria Victis shows off the results of its combat upgrade

We don't mean to surprise you, but Gloria Victis involves a whole lot of fighting things. You have various sharp bits of metal that...

The Stream Team: The headstart launch of Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends' NDA has finally dropped -- probably because it has just launched its headstart for The Secret World owners! And as a...

How Star Citizen uses science to build out its galaxy

This week's episode of Star Citizen Around the Verse sees Cloud Imperium's Chris Roberts and Eric Kieron Davis bookending Foundry 42, Ship Shape, and...
Be here now.

City of Titans demos animations in new video

City of Titans has this week posted a new video dubbed "Animation while Holding Objects," which kinda sounds boring, but it's a superhero MMO...

Overwatch promises to reduce duplicate item rewards in lockboxes

Since the only real form of progress in Overwatch involves skins, there's nothing more frustrating than opening a few dozen lockboxes and seeing every...

Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor reveals key expansion details

The cat is out of the bag, and this year's Lord of the Rings Online expansion into the long-awaited country of Mordor is going...

Shot Online Golf’s closed beta test has begun

BREE: I can't believe neither of you pranksters has taken the golf thing to make fun of yet. JUSTIN: Just par for the course for...

Zombie-fighting title Fortnite announces deluxe box edition

When we were kids, we honed our fort-making skills with pillows, couch cushions, blankets, and other impregnable materials. Those skills will come in handy...
It's mine!

Hearthstone changes up card packs to make it easier to collect new cards

There's nothing quite like opening up a new card pack in Hearthstone only to find multiples of the same rare you already have and...
Why are you fighting me? Because I'm a freaking dinosaur.

Trove’s Megalithic update lands on PS4 and Xbox One June 27

Way back in April, Trion teased a "mega" 2017 update for Trove intended to bring the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game...

The Stream Team: Launching into Master X Master

MxM has officially launched, and Massively OP's MJ is diving back into the fray! Of course, now that all alphas and betas are over,...

Ship of Heroes fires up a red-hot powerset

Meanwhile, in the deep void of space, a fire has broken out on a starship. Jets of flame and a rain of red-hot meteors...

Gigantic rejoins Arc platform, opens up PC beta, and preps for July 20 launch

There is no shortage of movement on Gigantic, Motiga's colorful, multi-platform MOBA. For starters, the studio announced that PC players can now get in...

Eminence: Xander’s Tale brings a hybrid CCG/MMO to the beta fields

It seems like some sort of specific and oft-mentioned geek dream game to combine collectible card battlers with MMOs, although actual examples are few...

The Stream Team: Starting summer off with a bang (and giveaway) in Star Trek Online’s Lohlunat festival

How do youbneat the heat of the summer solstice? In space! Massively OP's MJ is celebrating the start of summer by dipping into Star...