
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The Stream Team: Let there be cake for Elder Scrolls Online’s 3rd birthday!

Let there be cake! So says the celebration of Elder Scrolls Online's third birthday today. And Massively OP's MJ sees no reason to turn...

Black Desert’s South American edition will launch buy-to-play

Black Desert's South American edition will launch as a buy-to-play MMORPG, Portuguese-language website MMO Vicio reported earlier this week. Redfox Games will host servers...

TERA previews the fluid combat of the Valkyrie class, launching April 11 with Honorbound

Excited for TERA's next new class? She's the Valkyrie, with a name voted on by you, and today En Masse has queued up a...
Not the same.

Cloud Pirates releases fully on April 19th with the Stronghold launch

Why would you try to steal a cloud? What possible advantage could that confer? Even when you ignore the obvious logistical difficulties of getting...

Post-apocalyptic Edengrad launches into early access today

Starting today, the Kickstarted post-apocalyptic sandbox MMO Edengrad is leaving its pre-alpha cocoon to clamber into a bigger cocoon called "early access." With Patch 0.2.1,...

City of Heroes-inspired Ship of Heroes’ $400,000 Kickstarter is live

Ship of Heroes has formally launched its Kickstarter today as promised, with a $400,000 ask. The game is an Unreal 4 engine, full-scale MMORPG heavily...

Is Phantasy Star Online 2 worth playing?

First things first: No, there is no announcement about any sort of release for Phantasy Star Online 2 in the west. For now, the...

The Stream Team: Partying with fools in Elder Scrolls Online’s Jester’s Festival

April Fools' Day didn't end on April 1st in Elder Scrolls Online. No, there's still one more night to enjoy the holiday pranks, and...

Record of Lodoss War Online is launching this week

Following a short closed beta test, Record of Lodoss War Online will be launching this week on April 6th. Record of what now? There's no...

Soak up an hour of Elder Scrolls Online’s new Warden

Are you bearly ready to roll up one of the new Wardens for this June's Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind? Future bear butts rejoice, then,...

The MOP Up: Guns of Icarus has relaunched as Guns of Icarus Alliance (April 2, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
First Dr. Evil joke gets it right in the face. No fooling.

ARK: Survival Evolved adds in underwater housing and laser-equipped mosasaurs

Would you like to be under the sea in a technological garden in the shade? ARK: Survival Evolved has you covered with its latest...

Make My MMO: Elite’s Commanders, SOTA’s R40, Starfighter’s AMA (April 1, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Elite: Dangerous rather unceremoniously announced on social media that the 2.3 Commanders update will launch around the middle of April...

The many faces of Camelot Unchained

Terrible pun title in honor of April Fools' Day! This week's Camelot Unchained update touches on art, interface, and ability cooldowns, but the most...

The Stream Team: April Fools in ARK! With unicorns!

Dinosaurs are taking over! April Fools! Oh wait, no, actually they really are taking over -- in ARK. And Massively OP's MJ is going...

April Fools’ Day 2017: Hijinks across the MMOverse

If you don't like tricks and jokes, just stop reading right now, turn the lights off, and go climb back into bed. Nothing on...

The Stream Team: More Conan Exiles cave diving

Caves are such a fun place in Conan Exiles... why else would Massively OP's MJ keep exploring new ones? Oh, that would be the...

Paragon’s Morigesh lands on April 4, hopes you like bugs

Games-run MOBA Paragon's free-to-play open beta is introducing a brand-new playable character next week on April 4th. Her name is Morigesh, and she is...

Sea of Thieves plans dynamic swordfighting that spans environments

Ready to buckle some swashes? The latest Sea of Thieves dev vlog is all about putting swords in the hands of player pirates. "We're trying...
how DARE you

The Warcraft Tales add-on project has been shut down by Blizzard

If you were excited about the promise of the World of Warcraft add-on Warcraft Tales, the bad news is that the project has been...