
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Revelation Online’s scour dungeons are a leveler’s best friend

Even if MMO titles look similar to past releases, we've found that there are always interesting systems and unique quirks to each game that...

See real life through the lens of an MMORPG

Have you ever heard of this YouTube channel called Casually Explained? It's been growing in popularity thanks to the creator's deadpan wit and his...

Kickstarted survival sandbox Planet Nomads hits early access on April 18

Planet Nomads is one of those gorgeous sci-fi multiplayer survival sandboxes that's been kicking around on our Make My MMO list for so long...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on the benefits of the ‘mega map’

Try saying "mega map" 10 times fast! This week's Around the Verse does indeed cover the heck out of Star Citizen's mega map. Lead Gameplay...
The krogan, forever charging.

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches its first multiplayer weekend event

While the player character is working hard to do the heavy lifting of finding a new home in Mass Effect: Andromeda, players support the...

The Stream Team: Tearing through Transylvanian terrors in The Secret World

In The Secret World, Transylvania is very much like the monster stories. In fact, there are even more monsters! Massively OP's MJ has yet...

World of Warcraft’s Patch 7.2 is coming next week

The hour is nearly upon us and we, we are not prepared. But we are pretty eager! This afternoon, World of Warcraft announced that...

Elder Scrolls Online grants glimpses of Morrowind’s Vivec and Ashlands

Ready for another super-short Elder Scrolls Online snippet? How about two? The Morrowind expanshachapter team has continued posting episodes in its travel series. Last...

Riders of Icarus increases the level cap, adds rainforest zone in Corruption of Light, now live

Exciting things are afoot at Riders of Icarus, as the year-old MMO rolled out its Corruption of Light update with plenty of new content...
You want some of this? We've got a lot of it.

Conan Exiles’ big patch today includes wipes and ‘Exploit Hunters’ program

Conan Exiles' update 22 has arrived this morning, and as teased exhaustively over the last few weeks, it's a biggun, with the ruins system to...

Skyforge soars over to the PS4 on March 28 ahead of formal April 11 launch

When MMO devs give windows like "spring" for launches, we usually figure it'll be the very tail end. Not this time: announced today...

Only two gamers have maxed out all of SMITE’s 86 toons

As SMITE continues its third birthday celebrations, it's running multiple sales and bonus events in-game. Out of game, it's produced an inexplicably weird dance-off...
but appreciate the scenery too

Path of Exile shows off the music and environments of the Fall of Oriath

Path of Exile is not a game where you are likely to stand around admiring the scenery very often. That's not because it's bad;...

Star Trek Online preps Reckoning update for consolers in April

PWE announced this afternoon that Star Trek Online will drop the Reckoning update on console players next month on April 18th -- that's a...

The Stream Team: Looking for SWTOR’s Lady of Sorrows

Senya went off to do some "work," leaving Massively OP's MJ and Larry to skulk about SWTOR's Old World of Zakuul to learn more...

Elite Dangerous addresses ship nameplate concerns

Yesterday's Elite Dangerous community livestream is full of good news for sci-fi fans anxiously watching the 2.3 beta. Of note, Frontier's Sandro Sammarco and...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Lothgar Online, Little War Online, Age of Rivals

When I add news to our newsroom for our reporters to pick up, I often add links that just say "such-and-such a game exists"...

The Stream Team: Hopping back into EverQuest II Heritage Quests

EverQuest II-sday is back! As if Massively OP's MJ could ever stay away. She's back in Norrath to continue with her mission to complete...

The Stream Team: Black Desert’s Port Epheria

Last time Massively OP's MJ was in Black Desert, she hitched a ride on a boat to a new port. Now she's got plenty...

Overwatch’s Orisa is live today, Blizzard considers map editor

Tankbot Orisa is live in Overwatch today for those of you not too busy jacking into Andromeda. While she'll be accessible on all three platforms...