
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Maybe that's the horrible, fundamental blade that sits at the heart of every nudge forward. That if you're forced to really ask yourself for honesty, you realize that love is just a word you use to justify doing hard work for someone who never thanks you in a way you find meaningful or satisfying.

Funcom’s Secret World-inspired The Park arrives on consoles May 3rd

Funcom is a busy little bee this month, with patches for most of its MMORPGs, teasers for its upcoming survival sandbox, and now a...

The MOP Up: ARK’s free PvP version goes wide (April 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Make My MMO: Ascent’s launch, Elite’s Engineers, and Star Citizen’s new concept ship (April 16, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, space games have dominated the headlines. Indie Kickstarted sandbox Ascent: The Space Game formally launched out of early...

The Black Death devs on permadeath, optimization, and regional accessibility

Ahead of its April 19th early access launch, Green Man Loaded has published a Q&A video for The Black Death. The devs thumb through...

BBC news reports on World of Warcraft Nostalrius server shutdown

The shutdown of Nostalrius is not going quietly into the night. The wake of the World of Warcraft vanilla emulator's closure under the threat...

The Stream Team: Following the Issue #14 trail in The Secret World

Last time in The Secret World, MassivelyOP's MJ investigated the Aten cultists and their drilling to try to discover the cause of the earthquakes...

The Stream Team: Starting SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan

It's time to move on. MassivelyOP's Larry helped MJ work through Makeb, and now her Agent can finally delve into the Shadow of Revan...

Vette gets a big gun in SWTOR’s next chapter, Profit and Plunder

Hot on the heals of last week's producer livestream announcement, we've gotten a look at the next Knights of the Fallen Empire chapter for Star...

RIFT celebrates year five with new souls, patron quests, and multicore support

RIFT's fifth anniversary festivities continue this week as the new playable Soul bundle has gone live along with the Carnival of the Ascended world...

Guild Wars 2’s spring update launches April 19; watch the teaser trailer

We've just received an interesting little sneak peek at a teaser trailer for the upcoming Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Spring Quarterly update that's now...

The Stream Team: Back to battle bunnies in HEX

They're cute, cuddly... and killers. What's not to love about HEX's Shin'hare race? No matter what in life tries to tug at her attention,...

EVE Fanfest kicks off next week

CCP couldn't have timed it better if it had tried: This year's EVE Fanfest will kick off in Reykjavik, Iceland, next weekend, smack in...
For obvious example...

Darkfall reboots vie for your love (and your wallet)

Both Darkfall reboot projects continue to barrel ahead, seeking to establish a foothold among the PvP community with their different visions. No matter which...

The Stream Team: Conquering more Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

Now that MassiveolyOp's MJ has tested out all of the available legends, in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends, she can focus on her favorites: the magic-using Ariane...

TERA’s Secrets & Shadows update arrives next month

This should take some of the sting out of those layoffs: En Masse says TERA has a major update on the way for the...

Final Fantasy XIV producer letter pokes and prods at Patch 3.3 and 3.4 features

Stop the presses, go home from school early, and call off from work -- the latest Final Fantasy XIV producer letter is here. As...

Crowfall Q&A talks about Eternal Kingdoms and next playable archetypes

The Crowfall community has no end of questions for the ArtCraft team, and ArtCraft has no end of time to answer them. Actually, today...

The Stream Team: Happy birthday World of Tanks!

My, how time flies... or in this case, lumbers by on metal treads! World of Tanks has been letting players steamroll over each other...
Time after time after time etc.

Star Trek Online launches Season 11.5 today

Are you tired of Star Trek Online's clunky old skill system? Are you eager to start showing your strategic side in space battles? Do...

The Musa and Maehwa class pair joins Black Desert on April 20

Daum EU has just announced a new class pair will join the Black Desert sandbox next week: The Musa and Maehwa. You might recognize...