Warcraft movie’s Elves bring all the ears to the yard

When it comes to next year's Warcraft motion picture, we've certainly gotten our fill of seeing both Orcs and humans. But what about the other races? One eagle-eyed observer spotted a few additional portraits of characters from the movie, including a "mage" and an Elf. If you were worried that the proper proportions of elvish eyebrows and ears would be...
My track record has been pretty good!

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on Final Fantasy XIV’s 2016

I have high hopes for 2016. Higher hopes than I did for 2015, at least. 2015 also started out with my being fired for absolutely no good reason and then left to twist in the wind, as you all recall, so it will not take a heck of a lot for this year to turn out better. But you...

Project Gorgon toys with animal town and raffle machine

The crazy and cool ideas burbling out of Project Gorgon keep on coming, with Lead Developer Eric Heimburg taking to Twitter lately to tease some of the features that he's creating. One such idea? An animal town for players who have chosen the beast life.  "It will be a merry Christmas for cow and spider players in the next update......

MMO Year in Review: WildStar Reloaded (September 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into 2016. ArcheAge should consider itself fortunate that WildStar relaunched this month, else the beleaguered sandbox's many missteps this month might have propelled it to the top of the September list. Other notable events of the month...

One-of-a-kind Entropia Universe rifle sells for $51,796

If nothing else, Entropia Universe seems always good for an eye-popping story about how much real-world money that players will spend on in-game goods (such as $5,000 invisible clothing). Today's "I can't believe someone bought that" moment features one gamer who dropped over 51 Gs on a single weapon. Yes, you read that right. A character named Divinity Deth Undefined spent...
And in Japan!

The Elder Scrolls Online will launch in Japan on June 23rd, 2016

We so often find ourselves covering games that have not yet been brought over to North America, but it's easy to forget in the bustle that there are plenty of games release in North America that haven't yet seen a release on foreign shores. The Elder Scrolls Online has been out for some time here, but Japanese players are...
Later, this one falls.

Crowfall updates founders on test stats while teasing more lore

The first major test for Crowfall had just shy of 5,000 people eligible to take part in the test antics, but only 59% of those potential testers turned into actual testers. Those aren't terrible stats, but the development team is hoping to have everyone who can take part in the test get into the game for the next round...
Well, that guy sees evil.

Final Fantasy XIV’s new year celebration is all about monkey business

The new year is nearly upon us, and that means the usual Heavensturn celebration for Final Fantasy XIV. The lore of this year's event is the same as it always is - a representative from the Far East has come to Eorzea bearing traditional dress and greetings for all, inviting everyone to take part in the festivities and earn...

Rumor: Alleged Firefall devs claim Red 5 missed December payroll

Rumors of Red 5 Studios' financial woes have started to look a bit more legitimate this morning. Over the weekend, we received information from an anonymous source that Firefall's developers had seen their paychecks delayed and that a shutdown was imminent, but we were unable to vet that source. Now, a Redditor claiming to be a Red 5 employee has surfaced in...

The Daily Grind: Will you Kickstart any video games in the new year?

A recent piece on Gamesindustry.biz posits that while there the crowdfunding "bubble" hasn't burst, the crowdfunding scene, at least insofar as video games, is experiencing decline. Author Thomas Bidaux explains, "2015 has been an excellent year for Kickstarter and video games, with more than $41 million collected by successful projects. This is a significantly better performance than in 2014 where we saw...