Massively Opinionated: Which MMO would be the most innovative if launched today?

In this episode, Larry, Troy, and Jason debate underrated games, MMO development cycles, and the most innovative MMOs.

Chronicles of Elyria dev blog: Aging, offline leveling, and the business model

Announced earlier this year, Chronicles of Elyria is a startup sandbox in a sea of such sandboxes, but some of its features are rare even within the MMORPG genre. Massively OP will be hosting a series of exclusive dev diaries from the CoE team over the next few weeks to further explore the game and solicit feedback and questions. The first such...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Understanding Guild Wars 2’s Mordrem Guard

If you pay attention to the images I use throughout my Flameseeker Chronicles articles, you'll notice that one of my favourite characters to include is my little Sylvari Necromancer. She's just stunning to look at, and I adore how her leafy outfit seems as if it's a part of her, so she shares the spotlight with my iconic Asura,...

Wild Terra invites the public to play for free this weekend

The Wild Terra team would like to extend to you and several billion of your best friends the invitation to check out the game for free this weekend. The isometric survival sandbox will be hosting a public test this weekend, separate from the ongoing beta test. The server rules for the test will be a little different as well, with increased...

League of Legends e-sports teams weather controversies

Two separate real-world controversies are impacting League of Legends e-sports teams. First up is Team Immunity, an Oceanic organization that is now barred from participating in any Riot-sponsored competitions because its manager didn't pay the players "in a timely fashion." The players themselves aren't banned but will have to reform as a new team to partake in upcoming championships. They...

WildStar plans quality-of-life improvements, midnight relaunch

WildStar's massive free-to-play transition and patch is less than a week away, which means that Carbine is getting to the end of its revelations. Today the team posted an article that deals with ways that the patch will make gaming life easier for players come September 29th. These quality-of-life changes might be small, but they should have a noticeable impact on...

Divergence Online adds consensual PvP server stretch goal

Yesterday, we published a detailed interview with Ethan Casner, one of the devs behind Star Wars Galaxies-inspired Divergence Online. The response was more or less as expected: a comment section debating the merits and flaws of its open PvP system, something SWG very definitely didn't have. More than one of you was heard to say you'd be interested in the...
No one said it would be friendly.

Shroud of the Avatar is getting at least one novel

There's a Shroud of the Avatar novel in the works, and it's being credited to both developer Richard Garriott and author Tracy Hickman. Publisher Macmillan's website lists the book's title as The Sword of Midras, A Shroud of the Avatar Novel. The site also says that the book is the first volume of the Blade of the Avatar trilogy. Hickman is a bestselling author...

The Daily Grind: What details do you want to know about World of Warcraft: Legion?

World of Warcraft's newest expansion will undoubtedly be a major topic of conversation at November's BlizzCon. While Blizzard has unveiled the larger brush strokes of what Legion will entail, there are plenty of details yet to be revealed -- and perhaps a surprise or two waiting in the wings. If you could get an all-access pass to Blizzard and find...