Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in some cases worth $100 -- didn't sit well with current subscribers; some of them even started a petition to demand that Trion grant them the same gifts. Last night, Trion admitted that it "missed the mark" with...

The Daily Grind: Does story matter in MMORPGs?

We're breaking out the Daily Grind questions offered up by some of our Kickstarter donors today with one by Kharl, who wanted to talk about story. "Does story matter in an MMO," he wants to know, "and how should it be part of the experience?" Kharl is a big fan of worms, you see, and he brought a whole...
The Division

Here’s what’s known about The Division’s crafting

Wait a minute, what? There's crafting in The Division shooter that Ubisoft is setting in the Clancyverse? Apparently so, according to a new YouTube video that summarizes everything known from various sources. The Division's crafting will purportedly be "important but approachable," as well as focused and fairly hardcore. It can "also somewhat be ignored depending on player preference." So that's...

The Stream Team: Preparing for The Secret World’s Issue #11

With the welcome announcement that The Secret World's Issue #11 is coming next month, it's more important than ever that MassivelyOP's MJ makes it through the current Tokyo story missions. That means she needs to get past that part that bugged out on her before, so she's enlisting the help of Justin to power through the Kaidan sewers and...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs ‘sticky’ without vertical progression

Today's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter backer Jersey C, who asks, If you were asked to design an MMORPG without vertical progression like levels or gear grind, what kind of system(s) would you implement to give the game long-time appeal, or "stickiness," instead of the usual grind? "Interesting PvP" is too obvious an answer, so let's assume...

Migrate your NCsoft master account or face deletion

Are you still using an old NCsoft master account? If you are, then you're going to want to migrate to the new system before May 1st lest your account be deleted forever. To encourage long-time players to bring their accounts up to snuff, NCsoft is offering 400 NCoin to those who migrate to the new system. If this applies to...

Lineage is opening its first subscription server in China

The name Lineage has gone hand-in-hand with free-to-play for a while now, but that might be changing. Chinese publisher Tencent Games is experimenting with a new subscription server in the region. The server, which goes online on March 26th, will require players to buy a "growth fruit" from the store to unlock 30 days of game access. With a premium...

Warframe is ‘retiring’ premium crafted armor

It's the end of an era for Warframe crafters. For reasons unknown but that probably rhyme with "martificial schmarcity," Digital Extremes is retiring three craftable suits of armor into its untouchable Prime Vault. Starting March 24th, pieces for Frost Prime, Latron Prime, and Reaper Prime will no longer drop in the game. These prime warframes boast different designs and additional...

Elite: Dangerous starts Mac beta test on March 31st

Mac Elite: Dangerous fans who are feeling grounded while their PC brothers and sisters are cruising the stars will soon have their own chance to blast off. The team announced today that the Mac beta for the game will begin on March 31st. This beta test will only be available to current beta holders and will require players to download...

Das Tal is considering a buy-to-play model

After a careful consideration of the pros and cons of various business models, including those of Crowfall, Guild Wars 2 and ArcheAge, the Das Tal team says that it is leaning toward a buy-to-play model with a cosmetic cash shop. One additional revenue path that the studio is considering is to allow players to pay to launch specific ruleset...