GTA Online

Rockstar publishes tips for making the most of GTA’s editor

Are you overwhelmed with the possibilities inherent in Rockstar's GTA V and GTA Online editor? If so, consider reading yesterday's tip article focused on capturing footage. It's the first in a series designed to walk you through the basics of capturing, creating, and uploading using the in-game editor, and it offers advice for the neophyte filmmaker ranging from setup ideas to sequence planning...

Guild Wars 2’s expansion closed beta starts on May 26

ArenaNet has announced that closed beta testing for Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns expansion will begin on May 26th. It will run in two-hour blocks, and it's intended to test the stability of GW2's "new PvE outpost-event content structure." Testers can use a revenant or any of the game's eight professions to play "a small amount of expansion story...
You know, it can really be your jong.

Diablo III item thieves make ‘$0,’ get prosecuted anyhow

A couple of Diablo III miscreants felt the long arm of the law in 2014, according to a Fusion article that calls the proceeding a "first-of-its-kind legal case that has not been previously reported." In a nutshell, California resident Patrick Nepomuceno and Maryland resident Michael Stinger stole in-game weapons and armor from a couple dozen Diablo III players, then planned to...

ArcheAge preps a barrel racing daily event

ArcheAge is gearing up for its annual Rum Runner Rapids event, which looks to involve drinking, whitewater rapids, and barrels out of bond. More specifically, you can "construct colorful casks to use in a series of good-natured races down the roaring Loka River." It's a daily event that grants tokens which may be exchanged for various prizes, including swimwear, housing...

The Stream Team: Scouting after surviving another H1Z1 wipe

After surviving another H1Z1 wipe, MassivelyOP's MJ has nothing left to lose -- and she plans to take full advantage of the situation! Since she doesn't have a fort to protect or any belongings to worry about, so she's going to scout out the land and try to ascertain which spot she'll settle in permanently when the time comes....

LOTRO Legendarium: Eight years, eight pictures, eight stories

I might be a little tardy in doing this, but every spring since I started to write about Lord of the Rings Online, I've done a column in honor of the game's anniversary. When I began, LOTRO was only a few years old; now it's two years shy of a full decade. In the past I've discussed the history of...

World of Warcraft: No flying in Draenor, perhaps forever

World of Warcraft player pilots are officially grounded for the indefinite future. Lead Designer Ion Hazzikostas said that while Blizzard was originally looking at turning flight on for Draenor, the studio has decided the drawbacks of flight outweigh the positives. He said that it made the world feel smaller and came at the cost of eliminating "targeted exploration." "At this point,...
Oh, you're no fun any more.

WRUP: My only raiding story from Star Wars: The Old Republic edition

A friend asked me to come with her guild to run some endgame raid or another. I don't remember what it was. Whatever raid had this guy as an end boss. The only thing I remember about it was that this guy was there, and then I said that everyone should stand back while my Jedi defeated him with...

The Daily Grind: Do you feel alone in your games?

As one or two people have pointed out, MMOs are multiplayer by their very definition -- and massively so. Yet even if you're in a large crowd, you can still feel very alone. I was reading a post by a blogger in which he was expressing how lonesome he often felt in-game and frustrated by not being able to...
Holy holy.

Betawatch: May 22nd, 2015

It's been a busy week for the folks at Blizzard. We've gotten a quartet of videos for Overwatch characters showing off early gameplay, and Heroes of the Storm slipped into that fabled open beta state. Then NCsoft goes and makes a big splash by announcing that Blade & Soul is finally coming over here after an enormous delay. I tried...