GTA Online

Ultraviolence, virtual worlds, and why I hate myself for loving GTA Online

OK, maybe that title is overly dramatic. Still, I feel guilty for liking Grand Theft Auto Online. I've touched on this before, as have a number of you in the comments of a previous article, but as it's the only video game that's holding my attention here lately, I'm loathe to let it go even though it forces me...
No, you don't have to feud with monsters.

Pathfinder Online expands holding and adds company feuds

If there's another group of players in Pathfinder Online and you hate their stupid faces, the most recent patch to the game's Early Enrollment servers allows you to declare a feud with them. Yes, you can go to war, and you'll need to go to war if you want to capture towers or the like from another company. Why...
Back in the 90s, I was in a very famous TV show.

Crowfall takes a deeper look at the Centaur

The Centaur in Crowfall is more than just a normal person whose lower body happens to be a horse. If you want to be archetypical, Centaurs are closer to the Elves of many fantasy settings, an old and arrogant race with designs on conquering everything. The latest development post for the game, penned by creative director J. Todd Coleman, walks...

EverQuest’s new progression server comes online (again)

After a disasterous initial outing and subsequent wipe, EverQuest's Ragefire server came back online last night to welcome players back to the classic era of the game. The latest progression server for EverQuest struggled mightily as gamers stampeded through its doors and filled up the world server. "We have several thousand right now and it's already pretty laggy," Executive Producer...

Win a Moonrise stress test key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

Undead Labs' OARPGTCG -- I'm totally coining that -- Moonrise is due to hit Steam early access next week on May 27th. It's launching with two editions for PC and Mac: the $15 Warden version, which comes with exclusive skins, gold, and gems; and the $20 Guildmaster version, which comes with even more exclusive skins, gold, and gems. If you'd...
Rank 17! I am SO important to the world!

Check out Overwatch’s Hanzo and McCree in action

Are you the guy who looked at Overwatch's character lineup and said, "Nah, get rid of that robot with twin chainguns; I want to play a guy with a pistol or a bow"? Hey, you got your wish. The latest two preview videos for the game focus on McCree and Hanzo, the Old West gunslinger and the Japanese archery...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a World of Warcraft progression server?

Classic servers and progression servers are on my mind lately. EverQuest just got yet another progression server; it had launch issues, but it's up now. Lineage II is getting a classic server. RuneScape has one already. Darkfall's considering it. Ultima Online... well, UO has Siege Perilous, which is old school only harder-core. We've even argued that Lord of the...

Massively Overthinking: Nasty labels for players in MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor, who wanted to talk about excessive namecalling jargon as it pertains to groups of players in MMOs: Regarding sneering terms for players (whales, carebears): Why is it considered inherently superior to prefer to play for free, and to think smashing other players' heads in is fun? Of course, it's not...
Gloria Victis

Gloria Victis adds SpeedTree 5, a first person view, and more

Gloria Victis has published its version 0.2 pre-alpha changelog. The dev team says that this build is the first public version of the fantasy sandbox that uses Unity 5, and it asks that testers report all bugs and issues on the game's forums. The new version also includes a new work-in-progress island, new trees courtesy of SpeedTree 5, an optional...

Age of Wushu opens The Warrior’s Journey expansion

Feeling the urge to travel vast, untamed lands? Then it might be up to Age of Wushu to fill that need. The martial arts sandbox opened the doors to its latest expansion today called The Warrior's Journey, and it is what some players are dubbing "the explorer's expansion." The road trip in The Warrior's Journey starts with its five additional...