Forsaken World is getting a mobile edition

Could we be on the verge of an MMO mobile gaming revolution? Several mobile versions of Asian MMOs are in the making, including Aion and Final Fantasy XI, and now Forsaken World is throwing its plumed hat into the ring. Perfect World Entertainment announced the new project with the debut of the Forsaken World Mobile website. The title is being...

Crowfall expounds on the service of Thralls

Have you ever wanted to be a grim reaper? In Crowfall, you can. And for once it is a mutually beneficial proposition! A new FAQ enlightens players on the nature and use of Thralls, which are the souls of fallen warriors and craftsmen trapped in the world and unable to move on. Though they serve players in such roles...
Stunning absolutely no one who's been following along, it's like people don't want MMOs to be jobs any longer.

Black Desert adjusts for ‘casual lite’ Korean market

Every game changes during testing, but Black Desert seems to have changed even more significantly compared to its original vision from the fan standpoint. One such fan recently penned an article explaining what changes the game has made since its first iteration and why fans are frustrated by them. What's behind all those changes? A new interview with Pearl Abyss explains that there's a...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five things you should know about Ziost before SWTOR Update 3.2

Shortly after Star Wars: The Old Republic launched, I was a part of a group of players asked which planet they would like to see next. Pre-launch we were still learning which planets were even in the game. We knew that there were more planets to be revealed and that we had a huge swath of planets that had great...

El Somni Quas draws upon classic Ultima Online for an old-school MMO experience

It's interesting to see how players who have grown up under the influence of certain MMOs are now making their own games drawing from those experiences. For example, take a look at El Somni Quas, a new indie sandbox that is being created as an homage to Ultima Online. El Somni Quas is being developed by a team of six Czech...

H1Z1 adds grouping system and zombified players this month

Your secret dream of becoming a zombie -- yeah, we read your diary -- will get a virtual assist from this month's H1Z1 updates. The survival sandbox is finally making good on plans to gradually turn infected players into zombies. According to the game's early access roadmap, players have two major patches to anticipate in April. The first, arriving on...
I don't know what's going on in this picture and I honestly don't wish to.

Salem isn’t dead! It’s launching June 17th

Salem might have slipped off of your radar over the past few years. It's a permadeath, open-PvP sandbox that fell into the perpetual beta trap. It also lost its original publisher, which is never a good sign. But no more of that; the game will now officially be launching on June 17th this year. In a Facebook post yesterday, the current...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold public beta is today; here’s a guide

You can play Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion PvP mode right now! The Stronghold public beta is today! And then it closes up shop again tomorrow, so if you don't play it today, you're going to have to wait. You should probably do that now if you can. Maybe not if you're at work; your boss probably wouldn't appreciate...
We'll defend against whoever in the world we're at war with. Probably ourselves.

World of Warcraft 6.2 adds new dungeon difficulty, zone

If you thought the first major patch of Warlords of Draenor seemed a bit thin on content, you'll be happier with World of Warcraft's patch 6.2, which is now available on the test server. This patch adds Mythic difficulty for dungeons, a new raid, a new zone, the new Shipyard for garrisons (complete with naval missions), and the conclusion...

The Daily Grind: What old MMO feature deserves to make a comeback?

Today's Daily Grind comes to us from Kickstarter donor Diskonekted, who asks one of the genre's million-dollar questions: What features or technology from older MMOs are you most surprised to see never expanded upon or commonly implemented into new games? Sidekicking! My goodness. It's a crying shame how few level-bound MMOs have picked up on the brilliance of sidekicking (or mentoring or...