The Secret World Q&A covers mission design secrets

Do you ever wonder just what goes into making one of The Secret World's hand-crafted missions? The dev team opened up about the process in a community Q&A today and included many interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits. The Q&A goes through topics such as mission difficulty (which Funcom says "is rarely a concern" when designing), side missions, and the devs' stance on...

Here are the progression servers up for vote in EverQuest

Classic EverQuest's dev team casually announced last week that it has plans for new progression servers, signalling that at least Daybreak isn't planning on maintenance-moding the old game. Now, Holly "Windstalker" Longdale has updated players on the plan and urged them to log into the game to vote on the server's style. Progression servers generally pace out expansions and content to...

RIFT’s anniversary carnival returns with a party duck

It's hard to believe that in a few days on March 1st, RIFT will turn four years old. According to the site, the fantasy title has racked up "two expansions, four islands, six dragons, and 22 updates." So how will RIFT celebrate the occasion? By throwing a carnival, of course! The annual birthday Carnival of the Ascended will be returning...

Star Trek Online players request in-game Spock memorial

Saddened by the passing of Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy this morning, players of Cryptic Studios' Star Trek Online MMORPG have petitioned the game's creators for a memorial to Spock. Amidst threads grieving for the loss of an actor dear to the franchise, player horseshoestables posted, Today I hope  family finds condolence in knowing how much  touched so many across many generations with the...
Black Desert

Black Desert reveals the Blader class

Black Desert just got a new class called the Blader, which Steparu describes as the "fastest playable character" in the game. Bladers wield a sword -- duh -- as well as a composite bow, and they're also able to conjure some sort of spirit weapon called a Tiger Blade, which turns them into a dual-wield class. Steparu also mentions endless...
Lost Continent - ArcheAge Adventures

Lost Continent: Is it worth returning to ArcheAge?

Last time out I said some pretty mean things about ArcheAge. And let's face it: The game earned every one of them. It's inarguably pay-to-win, the comically intrusive cash shop is the bane of both immersion and economy-based sandbox play, and Trion made a lot of anti-consumer decisions in 2014 (hello "normalization," Auroria launch, and so on and so...
This didn't work out all right.

Today’s Repopulation patch makes ‘massive changes’ to combat

If you're looking to test The Repopulation this morning, well, it's going to be down for four to eight hours. That's the bad news. The good news is that the extensive break is allowing the devs to apply the 15.1.1 patch, which features "massive changes to the combat system." Every skill in the game has been examined with an eye...
Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained teases ability crafting system

What's new with Camelot Unchained? Well, let's see: City State has knocked a bunch of items off the fourth iteration of its pre-alpha checklist, so that's not nothing. Last night's update also teased the above image related to the game's ability crafting system, if'n you're curious.

Crowfund: Crowfall easily passes its fundrasing goal

Call it Crowfund. In only a few short days, Crowfall has passed its $800,000 crowdfunding goal -- and there looks to be no end in sight for how far this scrappy PvP title could go. After a couple of months of build-up to the campaign, Crowfall shot out of the gate in its first day of seeking player donations. Within...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most successful MMO do-over?

Yesterday's revelation that Final Fantasy XIV is up to four million registered accounts globally (not counting trials, Square insists!) is impressive to me not because it's proof that subs are a brilliant idea in 2015 but because this game was a total dud at launch. Half the reason we're all cheering for its comeback is that it's clawed its...